About us

We are an advanced reproductive medicine clinic focused on you

We are here to help you achieve your dream

We are an advanced reproductive medicine clinic focused on you. We are here to help you achieve your dream. A team of professionals, willing and determined to help you get what you want most. We put ourselves in your shoes. With the help of science, we want you to achieve what you most long for. And we assure you that we will do everything we can to make it happen.

This is how it all starts at Clinica Tambre

It has been more than four decades since we decided to dedicate ourselves to this very special path. We are driven by a sincere desire to help women and couples who dream of having a child, providing them with the most caring and special experience possible, because we know how important this moment in your life is.

We understand the challenges and emotions involved in the journey to parenthood, so each step of your treatment is carefully customised to fit your needs. We have a team of specialists dedicated to making this possible. We are committed to providing you with the support, science and hope necessary to help you fulfil your dream of starting a family. Choosing us means embarking on a journey of trust and care, where every story is unique and special, just like the life you want to create.

At Tambre we assure you...


We want to offer you trust, which will be the basis of the relationship we will have together if you decide to start this adventure with us. 

We are a pioneering fertility clinic committed to achieving pregnancy for each of our patients. We began our journey in 1978, the same year that the first child born through IVF, Louise Brown, was born. 

We have been growing and gaining experience to help you in the best way. And with the basic idea of offering you the reproductive medicine you deserve, with a human touch and always closer to you. We put ourselves in your shoes, because many of the people who make up the Tambre team have also gone through a process of assisted reproduction. We know what it means, in its broadest sense.

Innovation and technology

We are committed to you, and to continuous improvement and excellence. This is what drives us to continuously innovate our processes, using state-of-the-art technology. We are constantly researching and training so that we can use the latest technological advances, guaranteeing that you will receive the best results and an accurate diagnosis. We do this through the Tambre Foundation (link), whose objective is to promote scientific and training activities to aid the progress and scientific development of assisted reproduction.

In your language and without waiting lists

We offer you Advanced Reproductive Medicine adapted to you. We speak your language; in addition to Spanish, our doctors and personal assistants speak English, French, German, Italian and Dutch. No waiting lists. 

And if you already have a diagnosis and are looking for a second opinion, you’ve found your place. We are specialists in complex cases. We are experts in achieving this.

True stories

When we say we put ourselves in your shoes, it’s not just a figure of speech. I would like to introduce you to our CEO, Inge Kormelink, and tell you her story. A path of challenges, doubts, fears, frustrations. A story of overcoming and also of joys.

Since she was young, Inge knew that her path to motherhood would be different. Due to an accident, she became infertile at a very young age. Doctors told her she could never become a mother naturally. However, her inner strength and confidence in reproductive medicine helped her achieve her dream. Thanks to science, today she is the proud mother of three wonderful children.

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At every step of her own journey, Inge has proven that love and determination can overcome any obstacle. Your personal experience is one of the approaches that guide us. At Tambre we understand that your needs as a patient go beyond the purely medical; they require deep, comprehensive emotional support that you will find with us. 

For us, each phase of the process is an opportunity to bond, to walk together on this unique and exciting journey towards the realisation of a dream. It’s not just about providing medical care, it’s about being that constant support that reminds you that you are never alone in this journey.

Patient-centred Tambre values

Our patients choose us for our experience and our specialisation which will give you an accurate diagnosis  to help you achieve your dream of pregnancy. And to achieve this, we have the perfect combination you need, great experts and the  latest technologies to offer you the best treatment.

In order to be able to respond to increasingly complex cases, continuous study is of great help. We have a research line through the Tambre Foundation with which we do research and, at the same time, we are always on the lookout for the latest developments. We are at the forefront of research and development to improve fertility treatments.

The value of diagnosis

It is normal to look for answers, to ask why the pregnancy you want so much is not coming and to know if there is a medical reason that is preventing it. This is something that can cause a great deal of tension. That is why we attach so much importance to diagnosis. 

The precision in offering you the explanations you need and our personalised services allow us to help you achieve your pregnancy. And our success rates back it up.

1. Experience

Throughout these years, the experience of Tambre’s medical team has provided answers to the most complex cases. Its founder, Dr. Pedro Caballero Peregrín, is one of the gynaecologists involved in the drafting of the first Assisted Reproduction Law. And many of the specialists are members of different national and international scientific societies such as: the Spanish Fertility Society (SEF), the Spanish Society of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (SEGO) and the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE). Among other reasons, their membership helps them continuously improve our medical and healthcare team.

2. Specialisation

The most satisfying thing for us is to be able to give you answers. Tambre has Specialised Units designed to personalise your treatment to the maximum. You will always be attended by your specialist doctor, your nurse and a person from Tambre Care who will accompany you during the whole process. 

From the beginning, your case is attended by our Specialized Fertility Counseling Unit, formed by a team of professionals prepared to resolve any concerns that may arise regarding your treatment. Our goal is to offer you the peace of mind and the guarantee that your case will be handled in a totally individualised manner, with a team who speaks your native language and where you will not have waiting lists.

3. Personalisation

You are our priority. We call you by your name and we care about what happens to you. We offer you the most advanced reproductive medicine and the warmth of a team that pursues your same goal. Each treatment is tailor-made for each person, because no two cases are alike. We are known as a reference clinic because we have a team of expert gynaecologists and the latest technologies. Personalised treatments and accurate diagnosis are the pillars of Tambre.

4. Specialised Medical Units

We are committed to excellence. We have Specialised Medical Units designed to attend according to the treatment or specialty needed by each patient. And we do it in their native language. Because patients come to us from all over the world with very specific needs.

A little history

Tambre Fertility Clinic was founded when assisted reproduction was just beginning to develop. The clinic now has many years of experience, always at the forefront of the field and in search of excellence, helping thousands of women to fulfil their dream of becoming a mother.