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Álvaro Almoyna

Senior Embryologist

  • Degree in Biology from the University of Alicante in High Academic Performance Group. (2011 – 2016)
  • Master’s Degree in Human Fertility at IVF-Spain and Hospital Universitario y Politécnico la Fe. (2016 – 2017)
  • Course on Quality Management in the ART lab. (2019)
  • Course in Biopathology and Reproductive Medicine and in Embryology and Stem Cells. (2016)
  • Course in Clinical Embryology by ASEBIR and Miguel Hernández University. (2017)

“We make sure couples know that their success is our success and we go through this process together.” 

Learn more about me

The truth is that I did not know that this specialty existed when I studied biology. I came to it as a result of one of my professors who worked in a reproductive clinic. She was the one who started to put the idea in my head, until I finally decided to go to a clinic to do my internship and I ended up falling in love with this profession. The feeling of fulfilling the dreams of many couples is priceless. I then worked hard to become a good embryologist, going to Germany to work to continue to improve and learn the language.

Achieving the birth of a healthy child born to a couple who have been trying for years and finally making it happen with my work.

It is very complicated, we have to make couples see that we will always do our best to help them achieve their dreams, that their success is our success and that we are all together, hand in hand, as we go through this process.

I do sports, read, go to the movies and the theatre. I study languages. I really enjoy hiking trails. I have a very busy life, I don’t like to stand still.

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