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Dr. Jana Bechtold

dra. jana bechthold

She is a physician by vocation and discovered her passion for gynaecology during her training in Innsbruck. She did her residency in Madrid and was so fascinated by the specialty that she decided to make her home in the capital.

She believes that Tambre’s high level of specialisation and personalisation are key to offering patients what they need most. And they greatly appreciate the help and peace of mind that comes from being served in their native language.

Gynaecologist Fertility Specialist

  • Degree in Medicine – Medical University Innsbruck
  • Erasmus Semester – University of Elche, Spain
  • Specialist training in gynaecology and obstetrics – HELIOS Kliniken Schwerin
  • Experience in palliative care and in the Assisted Reproduction Unit of the Fundación Jiménez Díaz University Hospital, Madrid.
“Putting yourself in the patients’ situation helps you understand how they feel, including their possible frustration during treatments.” 

Learn more about me

When I was 18-19 years old I realised that I wanted to study medicine. For me, it is a vocation. There are many challenges in medicine, but that is what makes working in this profession interesting, and it is rewarding to see all the positive things that can be accomplished with patients. At first, I thought about becoming a paediatrician, but by the end of my degree I realised that gynecology was the right fit for me, as it is an incredibly fascinating and broad field, covering everything from childbirth to diseases such as cancer. The work, between consultations, the delivery room and surgery, is very varied. During my medical studies in Innsbruck, I became interested in reproductive medicine when I first came into contact with it at the university hospital. The idea of helping couples and women with fertility problems immediately fascinated me. During my residency, I spent six months in Madrid in the field of reproductive medicine, and from that moment on I knew it was my vocation. So in January 2020 I moved completely to Madrid to follow my vocation in my chosen home.

At the Tambre Clinic we can offer this wonderful combination of a highly specialised clinic and personalised attention. Both are incredibly important to patients. Knowledge, state-of-the-art technology, laboratory equipment. All of these are important elements to achieve the best success rates. However, our patients also place a high value on personalised care. Many of my patients come from abroad and are happy to receive care in their own language and to see familiar faces to accompany them through this emotionally difficult time.

Of course. The joy and relief when everything goes well is not just for the patients. We also go through those same emotions every time. Each pregnancy is a great joy for me and I think you never get used to it, but each transfer generates a new sense of expectation and nervousness.

The challenge with my patients is that many of them have been wanting children for a long time and have come a long way, with many fertility treatments or miscarriages behind them. It is hard to imagine how much these experiences can affect patients emotionally. Our task is to support these patients on their journey with us, both emotionally and organisationally. In some cases, patients come a long way with us, so the joy at the end, when we reach the goal of a healthy pregnancy and baby together, is even greater.

I am thrilled with all my patients, but of course, there are cases that especially touch me, such as women who have been diagnosed with cancer at a very young age and have difficulty conceiving for this reason. They receive two blows from fate at the same time. It is even more beautiful when we can help these women and couples fulfil their desire to have children.

The joy and gratitude of patients when they finally hold their child in their arms after years of unsuccessful treatments and send us pictures of their newborn. For me, it is especially nice to think that the children who are born are absolutely wanted and that wonderful, happy parents are waiting for them.

I think empathy is incredibly important in our professional field. Putting yourself in the patients’ situation helps to understand how they feel, including possible frustration during treatments. I believe that, as a physician, it is important to learn to be present for patients in difficult situations, not to take things personally, and to remain as objective and reasonable as possible, even in emotional situations. That is our job. We must seek solutions and help patients get through this emotionally difficult time. Of course, there are also special cases of tragedies that affect me personally and touch me deeply. In those moments, you are not only a doctor, you are also human.

I like to spend time with my family in nature. We enjoy hiking around Madrid, visiting friends and family. Whenever I can, I travel to Germany to visit my family there.

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