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Dr. Laura de la Fuente

She learned her great passion, medicine, from her teachers. And she immediately opted for gynaecology and reproductive medicine.

Dr. Laura de la Fuente Bitaine is happy to accompany couples on their path to fulfilling their dream. Tambre’s values coincide with her own priorities: first of all, there is Tambre’s scientific quality, which means working with the best scientific evidence, updated protocols and quality controls. Secondly, her way of thinking is the same as Tambre’s way of thinking: offering patients the highest quality service in a friendly, empathetic and extremely personalised environment. And at the same time, a constant desire to improve.

Gynaecologist Fertility Specialist

  • Degree in Medicine and Surgery. Gynaecologist at the Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre in Madrid.
  • Master’s Degree in Human Reproduction from Complutense University of Madrid.

“I’m gratified to help fulfil someone’s lifelong dream, that’s always exciting.” 

Learn more about me

My vocation comes from having had the privilege of being very close to great teachers who were passionate about their work and eager to share their knowledge. They taught me to see medicine as a science in which knowledge is shared and developed to work to improve people’s health. Gynaecology involves participating in crucial moments and events in a woman’s life, which gives it a special attraction. 

The branch of fertility immediately caught my attention because of the challenge it offers, combining functional problems with a wide variety of gynaecological pathology. Managing reproduction requires knowledge of gynaecology, obstetrics and endocrinology. The challenge increases even more with the introduction of surgical techniques, genetics…. In addition, it is a process in which patients are accompanied, a bond is created, and consensual decisions are made that are adapted to the particularities of each case. I have always enjoyed being in contact with people and helping them to understand processes that can be complex, such as reproductive treatments.

Tambre’s scientific quality is the number one guarantee for a medical professional: knowing that we work with the latest scientific evidence criteria, updated protocols and control of quality indicators. If we add to this the fact that Tambre’s vision is to offer patients the highest quality service in a friendly, empathetic and highly personalised environment, then the combination could not be better. Constantly striving for improvement is one of the clinic’s values, something with which I couldn’t agree more.

I remember screams, jumps of joy, tears… They never cease to move me and I’m always struggling to stay patient when I’m waiting for a beta. More than the first one, I remember many complicated cases, patients who were very affected psychologically, friends, relatives… After a life dedicated to this, I have all kinds of anecdotes, girls who are named after me, a father who composed a song for me…

The great challenge is uncertainty. We work with probabilities of success and in the end, whatever the pregnancy rate is, for those who achieve it, it is 100% and for those who do not, it is 0%. Managing expectations is not always easy.

On the other hand, we have scientific challenges: the introduction of genetics with non-invasive diagnostic techniques, the approach to patients with severe uterine pathology, the fight against ovarian ageing…. 

The final challenge is to achieve safe and easy treatments for the patient that guarantee maximum chances of success without risks … knowing that the ultimate goal is to achieve a healthy newborn.

Many, especially in cases where pregnancy has been achieved after several failures. Now I remember a patient who vitrified her oocytes with us at a difficult time in her life. Many years later, with the twists and turns of life, when finally everything seems to fit for her, we were able to help her become a mother, using those oocytes and defying the passage of time ….. It never ceases to amaze me what a miracle this is.

It’s helping to fulfil someone’s lifelong dream, that’s always exciting. Participating in people’s life goals is incredible.

It is important to keep a scientific perspective, but in order to empathise and help patients, your own feelings must be allowed to come to the surface.  To help them, I go through each of the difficulties step by step, offering solutions, proposing alternatives … although there are moments that can be very hard and where the only thing we can do is to stay by their side.

I like to spend time with the people I love. …. That more than anything else. I am a reader, a sportswoman, I like theatre and I love to watch shows….. And if you invite me to go travelling, you’ll make me happy.

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