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Dr. Paloma Sánchez

She has become two of the three things she set out to be when she grew up: a doctor and a mom. Today she is a fertility specialist gynaecologist, focused on achieving pregnancy for each patient.

Dr. Sánchez-Gómez fights each case and assures that, regardless of the final result, she always does everything possible to achieve pregnancy for each patient.

Gynaecologist Fertility Specialist

  • Degree in Medicine and Surgery from Complutense University – Madrid (2008)
  • Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynaecology via MIR 2013. Fundación Jiménez Díaz Díaz rio Marañón, Madrid.
  • Master’s Degree in Clinical Genetics in Assisted Reproduction (2018). Miguel Hernández University, Alicante.
  • Master’s Degree in Human Reproduction (2016). Universidad Rey Juan Carlos- IVI Global, Madrid.
“Providing the latest technology and the best quality allows us to achieve good pregnancy results.” 

Learn more about me

Since I was a little girl, I said that when I grew up I wanted to be a doctor, a tennis player and a mother; at least I have fulfilled two of my dreams. My father was also a doctor and I think that’s where my vocation came from. I knew it was not going to be an easy road, but it was definitely worth it. I came to the specialisation of gynaecology and obstetrics a little more by chance. I liked it during my career, because of how broad it is and the many possibilities it offers for the integral care of women in all stages of life. Regarding fertility, I was trained in a hospital with a very powerful reproduction unit and with wonderful professionals who awakened my curiosity and passion for this field within gynaecology and without a doubt, it has been one of the best decisions of my life. It is not easy to find a job that you enjoy every day.

Tambre is a well-established clinic in Spain, with many years of experience that continues to grow and improve day by day, both nationally and internationally. We always advocate the latest technology and the best quality. And this is borne out by the results we obtain. But what really makes Tambre special is the human side, the team that is part of Tambre. Each one of the workers with whom I have had the pleasure of meeting and working day by day, are committed to every one of our patients’ cases, accompanying them and making the patient feel at ease throughout these complex treatments.

Totally. It was when I was a resident. I was allowed to  do my first artificial insemination and 14 days later I checked and found a positive result. You never get used to it, every single positive makes my day.

Today, we must continue to advance and invest in research in order to have more answers and more solutions for our patients. I think we are on the right track here. But, in addition, one of the challenges that I see as essential is to focus on educating the population about fertility.

The truth is that it is impossible to focus on one specific case, I am proud of each and every one of the pregnancies achieved. Obviously, there is always one that you remember with special affection because of its difficulty or how long it took. Just as the opposite happens to me, there are also cases that mark you because you didn’t succeed, and you are left with a little thorn in your side.

I love the moment when they come to the clinic to introduce me to the little ones, happy to have fulfilled their dream.

There is a phrase by Virginia Henderson that I like very much and I always have it present in my life: “if you can cure, cure. If you can’t cure, soothe. If you can’t soothe, console. And if you can’t console, stay with them.” My peace of mind is knowing that regardless of the final outcome, I will always do everything in my power to fight and try to achieve it.

I try to disconnect, spend quality time with my family and play sports. I like to run while listening to music, play padel, and I always make sure I spend a few days skiing in the mountains each year, because I love it.

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