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Egg donor

Medical, technical and legal guarantees

Personalized advice

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Being an egg donor will allow you to use some of the oocytes that you don’t need, and that you would lose naturally every month, to help other women and couples to fulfil their desire to start a family, something that without your help would not be possible.

Do you want to be an egg donor? We will advise you without obligation

What do you need to be an egg donor?

Any woman between 18 and 35 years of age who wishes to voluntarily and altruistically help another woman or couple with gestational difficulties to have a child can be an egg donor. Donated eggs are used in in vitro fertilisation treatments to be fertilised with donor sperm or conjugal sperm. 

In addition to age, Spanish law requires the egg donor to meet other requirements:

Be physically and mentally healthy and to have normal ovulatory function.

Absence of malformations, infections and/or hereditary genetic diseases.

Not being adopted, as it is essential to know the medical history of close relatives.

At the time of donation, the egg donor cannot have conceived more than six children in our country.

What is the procedure for egg donation?

You can donate eggs in just 3 steps:

-You will have to answer a personal and family health questionnaire.

-We will perform a complete gynaecological examination to check your reproductive health.

-We will rule out hereditary diseases by means of chromosomal and genetic studies.

-We use blood tests to check your blood group and rule out infectious diseases and STDs.

– Our psychologist will assess and care for your emotional state.

-If the results of the initial tests are adequate, you can then sign the informed consent form.

-You will be given all the necessary medication to cause multiple follicular development, i.e. the ovaries are able to produce and mature several ovarian follicles at the same time. 

-During the 8-10 days of ovarian stimulation, we will carry out ultrasound checks every two or three days to check the growth of the follicles.

-When we consider that the time is right, we will provoke ovulation by means of medication.

-With a very brief surgical procedure, we can obtain the eggs without discomfort or pain, as the ovarian puncture is performed under anaesthesia and without hospitalisation.

-After a couple of hours of rest, you will be discharged from the hospital to resume your normal life

– Generally, between 10 and 15 mature eggs are extracted in each donation cycle.

tambre dona

Why become an egg donor at Tambre?

At Tambre we have more than 40 years of experience

Team of gynaecologists, psychologists and nurses specialised in egg donation

Our team will inform and guide you throughout the donation process

We offer all the necessary medical, technical and legal guarantees

And also...

If you are selected as an egg donor, we will provide you with a complete gynaecological report, as well as a personalised study of your general and reproductive health. This information will help you to decide about your future motherhood.

Current regulations state that egg donation is voluntary and altruistic. However, at Tambre you will receive compensation to cover the expenses and inconveniences derived from the donation process (travel, absence from work, etc.).

At Tambre we use the most advanced techniques and technologies that allow us to treat, manipulate and conserve oocytes with the highest quality, ensuring optimum use is made of the donations provided.

By law, assisted reproduction clinics are obliged to guarantee the confidentiality of the donors’ identity data. Notwithstanding this, the recipients and the children born have the right to obtain general information about the donors, which does not include their identity.

Egg donation is a safe procedure when performed in an appropriate clinic and under the supervision of experienced medical professionals. Also, egg donation does not affect your fertility, as they are eggs that you would naturally lose month by month in each menstrual cycle.

patologias uterinas tratamiento

Would you like to be an egg donor and help us create families?

Ask us without obligation. We will be delighted to help you.

Specialists in Advanced Reproductive Medicine

We are pioneers in assisted reproduction in Spain and Europe.

45 years of medical excellence.

We design tailor-made treatments.

  • You will have your own gynaecologist and nurse, except for emergencies, and the same medical team will follow your case in depth and attend you from the beginning to the end of the treatment.
  • You will have a consultant from our Specialised Tambre Care team who will support you and answer any question you may have throughout the whole process.
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