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Testicular biopsy to obtain spermatozoa

infertilidad masculina

Males without sperm have a chance of fatherhood

nuevos plantamientos embarazo

Pregnancy rates similar to fresh spermatozoa

El papel del hombre

More opportunities with testicular biopsy

Testicular biopsy allows men without sperm (azoospermia) to become fathers with their own gametes. This simple surgical technique makes it possible to obtain sperm directly from the testicles.

Do you want us to study your case?

The fertilisation and pregnancy rates obtained by ICSI with spermatozoa from the testicular biopsy are very similar to those obtained with fresh spermatozoa.

All about testicular biopsy


semen pareja


Personalised treatments

fallo implantacion

High gestation

What is a testicular biopsy?

Testicular biopsy (TESA) is a simple, minor outpatient surgical procedure based on the extraction of tissue from the testicle through small incisions. This tissue is processed in our Andrology laboratory in order to recover the spermatozoa necessary for in vitro fertilisation. The spermatozoa obtained can then be frozen and/or used fresh in a fertility treatment using the ICSI technique.

When is it suitable?

Testicular biopsy is especially suitable in those cases where we want to obtain spermatozoa when they are not present in the ejaculate, either because there are:

Obstructive azoospermia, i.e. there is an obstruction of the vas deferens which may be caused by a vasectomy, cystic fibrosis, infections etc.

Secretory azoospermia, i.e. when there is insufficient sperm production.

In vitro fertilisation with testicular biopsy

Since the amount of spermatozoa obtained in a testicular biopsy is very small, we cannot perform artificial insemination or conventional IVF, so we will have to use ICSI.

IVF treatment with ICSI (intracytoplasmic microinjection) is an assisted reproduction technique that allows an egg to be fertilised by microinjecting a single sperm into it. To perform ICSI it is only necessary to have an equal number of spermatozoa as eggs, although in order to have a certain margin of safety it is recommended that there are two or three times more sperm than oocytes to be microinjected. For this reason, this ICSI technique can be performed with semen samples of poor quality or recovered from the testicle, as in this case.

Vitrificación de óvulos Tambre

The process of ICSI with testicular biopsy is as follows:

On the first visit to Tambre, our urologist and endocrinologist will carry out a complete study of male fertility to identify possible problems and determine whether testicular biopsy can solve them.

This is a simple surgical procedure performed under anaesthesia, as an outpatient. It begins with a small incision in the scrotum, through which the wall of one of the testicles is incised and a small amount of testicular pulp is extracted, which is immediately processed to determine the possible presence of spermatozoa suitable for reproductive use.

Once we have the spermatozoa we can freeze them and/or use them fresh if the eggs have also been extracted on the same day.

If we decide to freeze the spermatozoa, they are mixed with a freezing medium containing a cryoprotectant to protect them and allow them to survive freezing. The mixture is then cooled to -196°C and stored in liquid nitrogen tanks until ready for use.

When the woman’s follicular puncture is performed (following an ovarian stimulation treatment) and the oocytes are obtained, it is time to thaw the sample to assess its condition and then process it immediately. This type of sample usually needs an average of 2 hours before motility can be observed.

For fertilisation, a spermatozoon with good motility and morphology is selected and introduced directly into the egg using a very small calibre pipette. One spermatozoon is used for each mature oocyte.

16-18 hours after ICSI, we can determine the number of fertilised oocytes and these are left in an incubator for observation over the following days in a culture of special media. Thanks to the Time Lapse system, we assess the development and quality of the embryos. Depending on the case, the embryos will be kept in the laboratory for a period of 2 to 6 days after which they will be transferred and/or frozen.

Embryo transfer is a simple and painless procedure that is carried out with the help of an abdominal ultrasound. It consists of implanting the embryos in the uterine cavity, using a very fine cannula. To encourage embryo implantation, the woman is prescribed a hormonal treatment so that the endometrium is in the best condition at the time of the transfer.

After 10 days, we perform a blood test on the woman to determine the values of a hormone that is only produced by the embryo, beta hCG. Depending on the value of this hormone in the blood, we can confirm the pregnancy and its development.

Customised ICSI treatment with testicular biopsy at Tambre

At Clinica Tambre, ICSI with testicular biopsy is carried out with a comprehensive personalised approach for each patient and their partner.This process involves multiple steps and the coordination of different specialists to ensure its success. From the careful removal of testicular tissue by specialised urologists to the expert handling of the sperm and the performance of ICSI by experienced embryologists, through to the gynaecology team for the woman's treatment. Each stage is carried out with meticulousness and precision.

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The clinic ensures that all the professionals involved work together, adapting to individual needs, and providing comprehensive and personalised treatment at all times. Clinica Tambre also has its own specific Andrology and Embryology laboratories equipped with state-of-the-art technology, guaranteeing the best possible results in the assisted reproduction process.

High gestation rates

At Tambre, the ICSI gestation rate with testicular biopsy and own oocytes is 60%.

Specialists in Advanced Reproductive Medicine

We are pioneers in assisted reproduction in Spain and Europe.

45 years of medical excellence.

We design tailor-made treatments.

  • You will have your own gynaecologist and nurse, except for emergencies, and the same medical team will follow your case in depth and attend you from the beginning to the end of the treatment.
  • You will have a consultant from our Specialised Tambre Care team who will support you and answer any question you may have throughout the whole process.
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