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Altruistic donations that deserve to be mentioned

There are actions that deserve to be mentioned. George Farha, UK entrepreneur and philanthropist, investor in and great enthusiast of Spain, has carried out an altruistic donation in an act of solidarity full of humanity to help children with cancer in Spain.

George, collaborator of the Fundación Aladina, with the help of the law firm Goy Gentile, made a donation a few days ago to contribute to the construction of a palliative care wing of the Hospital Universitario Niño Jesus in Madrid. The construction is scheduled to completed in April.

Additionally, last week, George visited the oncology children’s wing to learn about the work of the Hospital Universitario Niño Jesús together with the Fundación Aladina and the collaborators. In this act, he delivered toys with the help of the lawyers of Goy Gentile, to small kids and teenagers of this centre, in order to brighten their hearts. He wanted to personally meet the children and families, spending time with them and offering support.

Mr. Farha, self-made entrepreneur, is the Founder and President of GSP Group, a private equity that invests in a diverse portfolio of real estate and unique businesses (many in Spain), as well as carrying out multiple and extraordinary philanthropic activities.

Fundación Aladina was born in 2005, and provides integral support to children, teenagers and family members, offering psychological, emotional and material assistance. For this, they count with the invaluable help of a great team of volunteers, who with a great motivation help them in their everyday, among them George Farha.

Cancer is a struggle that cannot always be won, but it can be made easier with these actions. The form in which this help is given, is irrelevant, every action and gesture, small or big, helps and is a small step in a long journey. The objective and purpose are that these little super heroes, friends and families, forget for a moment the hard situation they are going through. George has been able to see first-hand the excellent work of the staff of the Hospital and the Fundación Aladina.