Last News, True stories

Andrés and his mom Elisa

“I’m very happy of having fought and having been so hard-headed. I would have continued trying no matter what”.

Andrés and his mom Elisa share with us their experience with the IVF treatment

The determination of Elisa, Andrés’ single mom, helped her to make her dream come true. After an In-Vitro Fertilisation treatment 13 months ago, they have been sharing their lives and happiness thanks to having trusted Clínica Tambre.

When we ask Elisa to advice future moms to follow her steps and to pull out all the stops in order to become mothers, she prudently advices them to: “be patient and keep on trying”. She explains that it is a path full of uncertainty, doubts and many changes, but replete of excitement and hope.

In her case, she met us through people close to her that had undergone fertility treatments in Clínica Tambre. Also, she confesses that what made the decision of becoming part of our family easier was the atmosphere of trust that she felt in our facilities. But what made her bet on Clínica Tambre was the immediate connection that she felt with doctor Esther Marbán, one of our gynaecologists and a fertility expert, who has been by her side from beginning to end and with who Elisa has a great friendship.

“I froze my eggs when I was 36 and it was the beginning of everything”

Her story starts some years ago, when she decided that it wasn’t the right time due to many personal reasons and circumstances of her life, but she knew for sure that she will become a mom. That is why she decided to undergo a fertility preservation treatment and freeze her eggs. This allowed her to preserve the quality of her ovules so she could choose to become a mother when and how she wanted.

Positivity, energy and time are the ingredients that made possible that the protagonist of this story can hold her little one in her arms some years later. “You have to be very convinced about what you are doing, because it takes a while and so much emotional stress, but it is totally worth it. tiempo y conlleva un gran desgaste emocional”su vida, pero on quien mantiene una buena amistad.I’m very happy of having fought and having been so hard-headed. I would have continued trying no matter what”.

Between emotional tears and without forgetting the hard part of this process, she also recalls the happiest moment: “It was when they found Andrés’ heartbeat”. One thing that Elisa remembers with affection is that doctor Marbán was as happy as her and they shared the excitement and this gave her strength and made that moment unforgettable.

Andrés and his mom are an example for us and they prove that, despite how impossible they may seem, in Clínica Tambre dreams can become true. The latest technologies on fertility treatments, the multidisciplinary work of our team together with the human quality, the commitment and the empathy for the patients show that as personal as motherhood can successfully become real.