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Clinica tambre awarded as “Pioneer Assisted Reproduction Clinic in Scientific Development” in Premios Familia

Today March 28th the first edition of Premios Familia took place, as an initiative of La Razon newspaper. These prizes, as their own name mentions, are aimed to recognize the career of institutions that liaise with family life aspects

In Clinica Tambre, we are celebrating as we have been recognised with one of these awards as the “Pioneer Assisted Reproduction Clinic in Scientific Development” This distinction, awards Clinica Tambre as a lead centre in the fertility sector. Since our founder Dr. Pedro Caballero started his labour in assisted reproduction until today, has been a long time; which has been full of successful moments along with medical and technological innovations. However, if we compare this with the present times, what has been maintained equal is the commitment with the families and the personalised care we offer to our patients.

Speech of thanks, from our CEO

Clinica Tambre´s General Director, Inge Kormelink, has shown her gratitude on behalf of the entire clinic, exposing the only thing that makes us different from the rest. Inge Kormelink highlighted the 40 years of scientific background that endorse our centre and also emphasized in our mission of helping people fulfil their dream of having healthy babies, contributing to the development of science, medicine and society.

What makes Clínica Tambre Unique?

We have become a first level centre not only in the national scope but also internationally. Thousands of patients from all over the world reach out to our clinic to create a family.

“I would like to let know that the key to success is not only because of our large experience and entrepreneur spirt. We also highlight for our ability to offer patients a warm and personalized attention, high success rates well above the Spanish and European average, an excellent medical team and the most cutting-edge technology to make the experience of families fully regarding” Declares Inge Kormelink in the following video.

Likewise, La Razón wanted to take into consideration for the prizes at those companies that value the importance of conciliating work life and family life. As we said in other occasions Clinica Tambre has a staff where the female presence is wide and in fact women represent the 80% of intermediate positions.

Receiving the Prize

The prize was received by Inge Kormelink General Director, and Dr. Laura Garcia de Miguel Medical Director of the Clinic, from the hands of Francisco Marhuenda who is the Director of the newspaper. Inge Kormelink has mentioned after receiving the prize, the dose of motivation this recognition provides, as it is something that encourages us to keep growing and improve on scientific development and patient care.