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Clínica Tambre receives the quality certificate from the Dutch foundation “Wishing a wonder”Clínica Tambre receives the quality certificate from the Dutch foundation “Wishing a wonder”

This April, our CEO, Inge Kormelink travelled to Utrecht, Netherlands for a very good and important reason.

The Dutch foundation, Wishing a Wonder, directed by Patricia Klaassen has given Clinica Tambre a certificate in which she evaluates ​​us with 5 stars as an international fertility clinic.

This foundation aims to help Dutch people with fertility problems. It supports institutions that contribute to provide fertility solutions to couples or single women and help them to fulfill their dream of forming a family by making the process as simple as possible.

The main objective is that these people are supported and find the exact service they need, either in the Netherlands or abroad, since in this country there are still many restrictions regarding fertility treatments. For “Wishing a Wonder” it is a priority that people who are struggeling to have children always find a solution.

Clínica Tambre has been highlighted In the evaluation of international clinics that provide service to Dutch patients because of its work and the quality of the services.

Our long career in the world of reproductive medicine has allowed us to achieve the highest success rates inside and outside our country, which means that we are well above European average. More than 40 years of experience guarantee our professionalism. Being pioneers in assisted reproduction means that our patients have full confidence in us.

Not only do we give importance to the training and experience of our medical team, but it is a priority to us that patients feel at home, especially if they come from abroad. Therefore, a characteristic feature of Clínica Tambre is the warm and personalised care that we give to all our patients. Our patient care team accompanies them from their first visit and throughout the whole process, which gives them the peace of mind that is necessary to place their trust in us.

All this in combination with the fact that we use the most advanced technology in assisted reproduction such as NGS, Chip Fertile, ERA, Fenomatch and the fail safe lab system RI Witness makes us a leader in this field offering maximum innovation and scientific development.

These and many other reasons make it possible for us to offer a 5-star service to our patients.

We, from Clínica Tambre thank Patricia Klaassen for this recognition.