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Coronavirus and fertility treatments: we resolve the most frequent doubts

Coronavirus Tambre FAQs

Many of our patients have expressed their concern about the situation that is occurring worldwide because of COVID-19 or coronavirus. In addition to having addressed all the doubts you’ve been having (over the phone or online) for days, we have gathered all the frequently asked questions and their answers in this post. We hope this information will clarify the current situation and allay any fears you may have.

What is the coronavirus? How is it transmitted? What symptoms appear?

COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a recently discovered virus that had never been detected in humans before. This virus causes an indisposition, which includes symptoms such as cough, fever and difficulty in breathing.

The coronavirus is spread especially by direct contact with an infected person, being within one metre of them when they cough, sneeze or secrete saliva or nasal secretions. A lot of information has come to light recently about how long the virus can survive in objects, but even the WHO itself has not yet made a clear statement on the matter. That is why the most important thing is to wash your hands constantly and try not to touch your face.

Who is most likely to contract the disease?

Our Medical Director, Laura García de Miguel, explains that the people most at risk of contracting the disease are the elderly and those with underlying pathologies (such as heart disease or immune difficulties). You have asked us a lot of questions about whether being under ovarian stimulation treatment or endometrial preparation means having more risk of contagion, to which Dr. Garcia says there is nothing to worry about.

What is the current situation in Spain?

The Spanish Government declared a State of Emergency on March 14th as a preventive measure against the spread of the virus. As a result of this action, mobility between countries is being compromised. As is logical, this situation raises a lot of doubts about fertility treatments, which generally have a specific schedule.

What is the situation at Tambre?

For several weeks now, Tambre has been receiving constant communications from national health authorities and the World Health Organization, which dictate protocols of action that our centre has followed quickly and efficiently. Among the measures taken, we have improved the hygiene and disinfection of our facilities, and installed hydro-alcoholic gel dispensers for patients to use. Similarly, we have followed all the preventive advice as far as safety equipment is concerned. A few days ago we also requested all those who visit the clinic should adhere to the recommendations and protocols established which will remain in place throughout this outbreak.

Coronavirus recommendations Tambre

Can I continue with my treatment as planned?

The Spanish Fertility Society (SEF) issued its most recent statement on March 15, in which it establishes the current treatment guidelines that must be followed by fertility clinics regarding treatments. At Tambre, we are rigorously following all the measures promoted by the different relevant organisations. It is possible that the stages of your treatment may be subject to change. Despite this you can be assured that our patient care department and medical team will continue to do their utmost to advise, accompany and guide you through any concerns that may arise during this time. We have always been characterised by the personal and warm treatment we give our patients and in a situation like this, it will not be different: we are treating each case individually, studying all the variables and taking into account all the different stages of the process. You do not need to worry. Your treatment is not being canceled; it just adapts to the circumstances.

You can contact us at any time of the day by sending an email to: or calling +44 (0) 20 38 688 65 from Monday to Saturday, from 8am to 3pm. You can also contact the Tambre team through the following form:

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What is known about pregnant women and the coronavirus?

It is important to clarify that pregnant women are not part of the population that has the highest risk of getting infected. Furthermore, after weeks of research, experts in leading medical and scientific publications like The Lancet and Frontiers in Pediatrics have concluded, that there is no evidence that COVID-19 is transmitted from a woman to her baby during pregnancy or childbirth, which means that there is no fetal affectation. Research related to our sector has clarified that the virus is not transmitted through follicular fluid or through laboratory samples.

Is it normal that this situation is worrying me?

Our psychologist Dr. Silvia Moreno Golmar would like to share some tips that can make the situation we are experiencing more bearable.


– Only take into account verified information that comes from official sources and avoid unknown sources.

– Avoid information overload. Dedicate one or two moments a day to this topic such as watching the news.

– In the presence of high intensity emotions, breathe, share your feelings with friends or family and seek support from people close to you or experts.

– Maintain an optimistic attitude trying to focus on things that you like and are pleasant to you.

– Practice mindfulness, yoga or do exercise. If it is something new, it will help you to create a new focus, and if you already practice it often, it will help you to feel good.

– Make a list of things to do and look at them when having negative thoughts or experiencing despair. Try to stay busy.

– Establish daily routines and maintain usual care and hygiene.

– Avoid catastrophic conversations or thoughts and relativise things to adjust to objective reality.

– Do not give in to fear or anticipate negative consequences. Focus on the present moment.

– Trust in your own abilities and strength to overcome adversities.

– Be aware that everything comes to an end, no matter how uncomfortable or unpleasant it may be at the moment.

– Recognise that the effort we are making is not only individual, but social, and that thanks to it many lives will be saved.

Additionally, Dr. Moreno has a special message for all those who are currently undergoing fertility treatment:

“We know that you have been waiting for this moment for a long time and what it means for you to have to postpone it, but we also trust that it will be for a short time only and that the most important thing is that both you and us are taking care of ourselves to be able to make your dream come true. Everything is going to be fine, and for this, we all need to do our bit. Your way to contribute now is to be patient and to trust. In the meantime, I recommend to practice mindfulness, which will help you to focus on the present and connect with your emotions, whatever they may be. Breathe.” says our psychologist.

During 40 years of experience we have learned to be prepared in the face of adversity and we are proud to have a team that these days has proven to be dedicated, professional and empathetic with its patients. We want to remind you that Tambre is a safe place for you, that our goal continues to be to help you and that we are there for you – whatever you may need.