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Documentary about Clínica Tambre on German television

Documental televisión alemana

Last Sunday, the documentary “Real Life: Last Chance Egg Donation” was broadcasted on German national television. This interesting film tells the story of Henrike and Ronald who, with our help, were able to fulfil their biggest dream of forming a family. Last year, the two of them were accompanied by us and a German camera team during the most beautiful journey of their lives.

In her early twenties, Henrike had to have surgery on her ovaries. Years later, she found out that as a result she was no longer able to have children of her own since her body is no longer producing eggs. In that moment, her whole world fell apart. She and her husband Ronald always wanted to build a family together. Unfortunately, nobody in Germany could help them, as the German law forbids the only fertility treatment that could help the couple to get pregnant: An egg donation treatment.

Thousands of couples from all over the world travel abroad every year to undergo fertility treatment. Spain is Europe’s number 1 fertility destination with most performed embryo transfers per year across Europe.

Spain at European’s forefront

In Spain, where the legal situation in reproductive medicine is more liberal and modern, this type of fertility treatment has been practiced successfully for decades. A young, healthy woman donates her eggs altruistically, which are fertilised with the sperm of the patient’s partner or a sperm donor and are then transferred to the patient’s uterus. This way, the recipient can experience the pregnancy, give birth to the child and therefore is officially considered to be the mother.

Tambre as pioneers in assisted reproduction

Clínica Tambre is one of the leading fertility clinics on the Iberian Peninsula and achieves the highest success rates, not only within Spain, but throughout Europe. This is partly due to the extensive experience of our fertility experts, who together can look back on over 40 years working in the field. We are also able to achieve these results thanks to the use of cutting-edge technology, research and innovation. We are also proud to be able to treat our patients in their mother tongue. A close and warm patient care is our top priority. We want you to feel as comfortable as possible during the whole process.

Every day we welcome couples from all over Europe who are in a similar situation. Most of them come to us with their last hope after they have been unable to find help in their home country. Fortunately, we can help most of them to conceive a healthy baby, just like Henrike and Ronald. A few months ago, little Martha came to the world and finally made their family complete.

Breaking taboos in society

The documentary tells the whole story of the couple from the beginning until the birth of their little baby girl. Although so many people are affected by infertility, couples who undergo IVF treatments or even go abroad, unfortunately still encounter many prejudices. The aim of this documentary is to change that and finally break the taboos in our society.

We also want to encourage women and couples suffering from fertility issues and show them that there is always a possibility to fulfil your dream. Maybe you have to travel to another country to do so, but in the end, you will be rewarded for it and, just like Henrike and Ronald, you will be able to hold your baby in your arms.

We are so happy for them and couldn’t be prouder to have been part of this wonderful journey. If you want to become a mom as well and have already had many unsuccessful IVF attempts in your home country, please contact our patient care team at Tambre. They are happy to answer all your questions.