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Dr. Najib Dagher awarded for his speech at the “International Conference on Reproduction and Fertility”

In the beginning of this month of April, the “International Conference on Reproduction and Fertility” was held in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. This conference, which was part of the Reproduction Fertility Event 2019, aimed to address assisted reproduction in a multidisciplinary way, reinforcing the bases and expanding its spectrum towards sexuality and fertility.

Which topics were addressed in this event?

According to the organisation the goal of the event is to provide a quality scenario to different researchers, academics and speakers to share their experiences and cases. In the same way, the expertise of these professionals empowers everybody who is interested in receiving quality information on the subject.

The first session of the convention consisted of different workshops and debates in which all relevant and cutting-edge innovations in the field of assisted reproduction treatments were discussed. On the second day, however, more emphasis was placed on everything related to the health of women such as sexually transmitted diseases, fertility, cancer of the female reproductive system, reproductive immunology, etc.

Congratulations Dr. Dagher!

Doctor Najib Dagher, gynecologist and specialist in obstetrics at Clínica Tambre, had the opportunity to contribute his knowledge and experience in the symposium of the seminar “High blastocyst rates in egg donation cycles using the incubator Time Lapse GERI“, based on the successful results that he has achieved at Tambre. Dr. Dagher was awarded for the impeccable development in this field and was recognised for his extensive career within the assisted reproduction sector. As we always express in our blog, each award given to the clinic or team is an incentive for us to continue researching and growing, always for the contribution to science and society.