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Fertility Care Awards 2021: Tambre wins the ‘Outstanding patient experience during the IVF treatment’ category

Fertility Care Awards 2021 Tambre

At Tambre Fertility Clinic we are delighted to announce that we have been recognised by the Fertility Care Awards 2021 for offering ‘Outstanding patient experience during the IVF treatment’.


What are the Fertility Care Awards?

The Fertility Care Awards, formerly known as the IVF Awards, are accolades given by the European Fertility Society in recognition of the work of clinics, companies and professionals working in the fertility sector from all over the world.

The awards are divided into several categories: Best patient care & support, Outstanding patient experience during the fertility treatment, Transparency and collection of treatment outcomes, Best marketing initiative in fertility care, Best fertility clinic website, Best fertility website, Best R&D project in fertility care, Best innovation in fertility care, Best fertility book, Best fertility app, Best fertility product, Best fertility service (open category) and The Life Achievement Award in fertility care.

Tambre has been fortunate to have won many of the awards offered in previous years including categories such as Best Egg Donation Programme and Best Patient Care and Support. This year the European Fertility Society has positively valued the experience that patients have at our clinic during their treatment.


Tambre, awarded in the category of ‘Outstanding patient experience during the IVF treatment’ at the Fertility Care Awards 2021

Our centre has always been known for supporting patients in a close, professional and personalised way and we always try to ensure that the process we go through with them is not just a simple treatment, but that it becomes one of the most beautiful experiences of their lives.

During the previous two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the experience of undergoing assisted reproduction treatment has changed. Many people unfortunately had to pause their desire to start a family and adapt to the circumstances, and fertility professionals and clinics had to do the same. It is worth noting that in addition to Spanish patients, Tambre sees hundreds of international patients a year, for whom the process has become even more difficult, due to international mobility restrictions.

For those who may not know, it is important to note that Spain is one of the preferred destinations for international patients when it comes to assisted reproduction. Our legislation, the excellence of the fertility experts and the use of the most advanced technologies are some of the reasons why our country is chosen by those who wish to become parents. Tambre patients emphasise that, in addition to these reasons, the warmth of the treatment received makes the place unique.


The challenges of these uncertain times

As we have explained, the Patient Journey designed for international patients cannot be the same as that experienced by patients living in Spain. A person cannot pause their work and personal life in order to travel to a country for several months, to take one treatment. One must remember that international patients have to buy plane tickets, get days off from work, stay in a hotel or accommodation in Madrid and carry out other procedures such as obtaining a visa.

If we add to all these difficulties the uncertainty that patients may feel when carrying out a medical process in a country that is not their own can be intense. These patients require constant support, continuous information and a lot of help throughout the experience.

Our philosophy can be summed up very succinctly – patient needs come first. We understand the sacrifices that international patients have to make to access treatment abroad and therefore we ensure that the patient does not have to make any more trips than necessary to the clinic, and it is our professionals who adapt their working procedures to the needs of the patients and not vice versa.


The Patient Care department: the essential piece of the Tambre puzzle

It was 2018 when Inge Kormelink took over the management of the clinic. Tambre’s CEO, with her experience in assisted reproduction, and having been a patient herself, decided to change the care model given to all those who came to see us from other countries. Inge had great confidence in the experienced clinic team who had, for many years been offering good news to parents to be and offering success rates above the Spanish and European average.

When you consider the fertility treatment process it is easy to focus on the contact you have with a medical practitioner. In reality there is a whole team of fertility experts who help our couples to achieve their dreams of being parents every day.  Winning the award for ‘Outstanding patient experience during the IVF treatment’ at the Fertility Care Awards is partly based on the existence of a comprehensive Patient Care team and the great work they do.

Our team welcome patients from the first contact to the exciting point of 12 weeks of pregnancy and sometimes much longer. Coordinators are always available, whether by phone, Skype or even an email, ready to help, reassure and support patients. Their role is crucial to ensure that communication between the patient and the medical and scientific teams is clear, consistent and transparent. They help eliminate miscommunication or error. Our philosophy is “an informed patient is a happy patient”.

They are always in constant communication with the rest of the clinic team because everyone needs to be informed about everything. Patient Care Coordinators are really skilled and experienced, however, they are not doctors, so they have to ensure and continually review that all information shared with patients is correct thanks to our medical team. In the same way they share information with the scientific professionals in the laboratory.


Thank you for this award, European Fertility Society!

It makes us tremendously happy to help the women and couples who choose us to start a family and we are delighted to be recognised for the work that the Tambre family works so hard for.

We would like to thank the European Fertility Society and all the members of the jury from the bottom of our hearts for being awarded again this year. This type of initiative always motivates us to continue to do our best and take care of our patients. Thank you for trusting us!

Fertility care awards Tambre