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Fertility Clinic Tambre, committed to the most important aspect of a fertility treatment: People.

ética, pacientes. tratamiento personalizado, clínica Tambre

Everyone knows that Assisted Reproduction has progressed at a technological and medical level in recent times. The number of treatments that are carried out all over the world increases more and more and millions of children are born with the help of this procedures.

Nevertheless, assisted reproduction techniques have often uncovered ethical questions, so far resolved by the guidelines set by deontological codes and religious morals. In any medical treatment we find two moral protagonists: the medical team and the patients. Assisted reproduction adds to these important protagonists something else: the sensitive desire to bring a child to the world.

Couples who decide to become parents by using this method are especially vulnerable because of the high expectations that are placed into it. That’s why reproductive medicine professionals offer a careful and respectful care with the embryos, out of which later a baby might be born using this technique.

Clínica Tambre knows what this process entails, and the hopes that our patients place in us to achieve this important goal in their lives. That is why we use our best resources and consider ethics to be of high importance within the process of assisted reproduction.

The health of the future mother and her baby is the priority in our clinic. Our mission is to previously carry out the most thorough studies in order to apply in a very personalised way the most appropriate therapeutic procedure for each case, and to take care of their entire process adapted to their needs, objectives and their current state of health avoiding all possible complications during the treatment.

In Fertility Clinic Tambre the selective transfer of embryos is also made, with the aim of reducing multiple pregnancies, a situation that we believe is possible to avoid given the risks of this type of pregnancy: gestational diabetes, premature delivery, before week 37-38 of the pregnancy, liver problems, hypertensive problems, urinary tract infections or anemia. In 99% of cases, a single embryo is transferred to our patients. For this, our team uses the latest technology and medical professionalism that allows them to select the embryo with the best chances to implant in the uterus. Today, the transfer of a single embryo has the same success rate as the transfer of 3, 10 years ago.

On the other hand, we consider of utmost importance not only the physical health of our patients, but also mental and emotional health, which must be in important balance to face this exciting, but sometimes difficult goal in their lives. Our team of psychologists is present throughout the whole treatment with the intention of improving the quality of the process, solving successfully any doubts that may arise, making our donors or patients face this treatment with the best energy and positivity possible before the new situation and avoiding moral conflicts.

The purpose of our processes is to collaborate with our patients in their reproductive project, making use of ART that have been created to solve infertility problems, being absolutely transparent with the results obtained in our clinic and taking care at all times of the most important aspect of a fertility treatment: the people.