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Fertility Clinics vs Covid, a great initiative by Fertility Help Hub

The pandemic has been a challenge for everyone. We, as fertility professionals, have experienced how many assisted reproduction processes suffered a slowdown at the beginning of 2020. Although over the course of the year we managed to get our patients to fulfil their dream of starting a family, we are aware that there are people who haven’t yet been able to do so. That is why Tambre has joined the Fertility Clinics vs Covid initiative, promoted by Fertility Help Hub.


We are celebrating one year of partnership with Fertility Help Hub!

Launched in 2019, Fertility Help Hub is the leading fertility lifestyle platform, which reaches thousands of people around the world who are at different stages of their fertility journeys and are looking for community support, virtual events and expert content and resources. It provides expert insight, conception resources, inspiring real-life stories, health, and wellbeing information.

Founder of Fertility Help Hub Eloise Edington launched the site following her own personal fertility struggle after her husband was diagnosed with Klinefelter Syndrome, something that affects approximately 1 in 660 men, which made him infertile. The site aims to guide, support and connect the fertility community during its journey to parenthood, and demystify the complexities that arise along the way.

We were sure that Eloise would be a great partner because of the know-how that characterises her and the enthusiasm with which she explained her project to us a year ago. Fertility Help Hub and Tambre share a philosophy that states that the patient is the most important priority and that the most beautiful thing is to accompany each and every one of these patients in their fertility process.


Together at ‘Fertility Clinics vs Covid’ with a common motto: Restart your fertility journey!

FHH is committed to providing support and community resources to thousands of women, men, couples and solo parents seeking fertility advice worldwide. Therefore, on January 20th, alongside its UK initiative, it launched its strategy globally to provide a total of 8 couples or solo parents the opportunity to receive fertility treatment at no cost.

“Because of the way we achieve our goals and those of our patients and the way we work, it was clear from the beginning that we wanted to participate in the beautiful initiative ‘Fertility Clinics vs Covid’, promoted by Fertility Help Hub. We are resolute in our desire that no one should have to stop, change or postpone their dreams because of this chaotic year,” Inge Kormelink, Managing Director at Tambre, explains.

During this 8-week initiative, Eloise will be running a series of live video interviews on Instagram with the 8 fertility partners involved in the campaign, as well as multiple ambassadors who have been affected by infertility. These live Q&As will cover a wide range of fertility issues, including the impact of COVID-19. They will be available across social channels and on the FHH website. We will keep you informed of the interviews in which our fertility specialists will participate through Tambre’s channels. Don’t miss it!


Thank you for counting on us, Eloise!

Many families have had to delay their fertility journey due to unforeseen circumstances and that upsets us. We want people to see that Tambre is a place where they can regain hope again.

Eloise says “We know from our community that Covid has taken away from many the hope of becoming parents. At Fertility Help Hub, we are making it our mission to give that hope back. The ‘Fertility Clinics vs. Covid Initiative’ is about going one step further and providing a bridge during a very troubled time. I approached trusted and well-regarded clinics to participate in this global initiative. Having worked closely with Clínica Tambre over the past year, I have got to know their specialists and to have great confidence in their expertise. With many of our readers based in Europe and the UK, looking for treatment abroad, it felt like the perfect fit. I was hopeful that they would come on board and not surprised when they jumped at the chance of helping the community during this difficult period. Thank you, Clínica Tambre.”

To apply for this opportunity, simply submit your application, with the story of your own personal journey so far, before 10th March 2021 via Those who have been successful will be contacted individually during w/c 22nd March 2021. At Fertility Help Hub, no story is more deserving than another and therefore recipients will be selected at random.