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“Our greatest satisfaction is that couples achieve the desired pregnancy”

We interviewed Marta Ruano, Head of Nursing at Clínica Tambre Madrid.

About Marta

Marta Ruano is a University Graduate Expert in Nursing in Assisted Reproduction, University Diploma in Nursing and Laboratory Specialist Technician. She is also the author and co-author of numerous scientific studies presented at the Congress of the Spanish Fertility Society (SEF), among them: “Obstetric and Perinatal Results of children born through vitrified/fresh donor eggs”. Marta has been speaking on important congresses in the field of reproductive medicine since 2006.

With 16 years of professional experience, she is the responsible and coordinator of the nursing team of ​​Clínica Tambre. During these years, Marta has helped hundreds of patients who came to our clinic to become parents, but she and her team are not only witnesses of numerous pregnancies, they are part of the whole process in a very special way.

“We accompany the couples who come here at all times. From the blood tests, the medication, the ultrasound scans and the moment of the positive pregnancy test. Afterwards we always follow-up because it is such an important part to create a unique relationship with each patient who has placed all their trust and hope in us. That’s really what the nursing team is for, to accompany future parents to parenthood during their whole journey and to make them feel that they are in the best hands”.

The nervousness of the first medical appointments

Marta Ruano explains that sometimes the nervousness of the couples in the first consultations, can make them forget some important medical indication, something that the nursing staff will be willing to remind them and explain them as many times as it takes.

“Especially in the beginning, couples arrive a little nervous and it can happen that when they leave they do not remember any medical indication. Our team is here to remind and help them, as well as to solve any doubt that our patient may have. Our mission in understanding and supporting them at all times. “

We must never lose hope

Marta has experienced a great variety of cases, but if there is something that couples should never lose, it is hope, she says.

“Many patients are discouraged or come from another clinic where they had a bad experience. Right from the beginning we share with them what we have seen. Sometimes pregnancies are achieved with the first try and sometimes not, but the most important thing is not to think negatively. It is essential to stay positive and that is what we always try to tell them. “

Committed to achieve pregnancies

At Clínica Tambre we meet every day new couples and single mothers who want to start a family. Each of our specialists is committed to achieving that goal successfully because as Marta Ruano, our head of nursing, points out that is also our greatest satisfaction.