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Science in Tambre has a woman’s name

equipo de Ginecólogas biólogas embriólogas enfermeras de la clínica Tambre clínica de fertilidad de Madrid

Science in Tambre has a woman’s name. As we do every 11 February, at Tambre we celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. This day is dedicated to recognising and commemorating the achievements of women in the scientific field. And allows  us to highlight the importance of inspiring girls to explore careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Appropriately,  Clinica Tambre is also proud of its commitment to science. Especially, to the female talent of our team in the field of advanced and personalised reproductive medicine.


Why do we celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science?

The International Day of Women and Girls in Science was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015 to combat gender discrimination in science.

The choice of 11 February as the commemorative date is no coincidence, as it coincides with the anniversary of Marie Curie’s birth in 1867. Marie Curie was a leading French-Polish scientist and pioneer in the field of radioactivity. She was the first woman to receive a Nobel Prize in 1903 for her research into radiation phenomena. Later, in 1911, Marie Curie received her second Nobel Prize, this time in chemistry, becoming the first person to win Nobel Prizes in two different scientific disciplines. That is why her enormous legacy has inspired generations of women to pursue scientific careers.


Women caring for women

Clinica Tambre, which is recognised as a centre of excellence in advanced and personalised reproductive medicine, has consolidated its commitment to science and gender equality. With a mostly female staff, the clinic has demonstrated that scientific excellence has no gender.

The medical team is mainly composed of women. Of the 11 reproductive medicine professionals currently working at Tambre, 10 are female gynaecologists,  experts in assisted reproduction. In addition, the clinic also has a psychologist specialising in fertility. The in vitro fertilisation (IVF) and Andrology laboratories also have a highly qualified and diverse team of 11 people, 9 of whom are biologists and embryologists, two of whom are also doctors; and alongside them there is an embryologist and a laboratory technician.

There are currently 8 people working in the nursing department, 4 nurses and 4 auxiliary nurses, all of them women.


A Foundation to advance science

Tambre is firmly committed to science and the need for continuous professional development for existing  professionals and future specialists.  The Tambre Foundation was created in 2003 to promote scientific and training activities to foster scientific progress and development in the fertility and assisted reproduction sector. It is currently headed by the scientific director, Dr. Ángela Llaneza.

The Foundation promotes continuous training and through Tambre-Lab, junior embryologists can broaden their knowledge in the Andrology and IVF laboratories. This helps to improve clinical outcomes in assisted reproduction centres.



Despite the advances, women and girls still have to face  many challenges in  the world of science. However, women professionals at Tambre  have shown that passion and perseverance can overcome any obstacle.

Obstacles still to be faced

Although there have been important advances in terms of gender equality in scientific research, there are still challenges that impact on women’s participation and advancement in the field:

  • Gender stereotypes can limit expectations and opportunities for women in science, perpetuating the false belief that certain fields are more suited to men than women.
  • The lack of women in prominent roles and leadership positions in scientific institutions can make it difficult for girls to see themselves in scientific careers.
  • Women often face a pay gap and have less access to funding and promotion opportunities compared to their male colleagues.
  • Lack of support and mentoring can be a significant barrier, as women may lack guidance and opportunities to grow professionally in the world of science and technology.
  • Difficulties in balancing a career in science with personal and family life are a major challenge for women who want to go into research.

Despite these challenges, many women have overcome these and many other barriers. The success stories of women scientists serve as inspiration and show that talent is not gendered.


5 essential tips to encourage girls’ and women’s interest in science

  • Cultivate curiosity: encourage and follow your curiosity from an early age. Ask questions, seek answers and explore the world around you.
  • Challenge stereotypes: Don’t be influenced by gender stereotypes. Believe in your skills and abilities, regardless of social expectations.
  • Look for role models: find women scientists you admire and learn from their experiences. The success stories of other women can inspire you and show you that it is possible to excel in the world of science.
  • Get involved in extracurricular activities related to science, technology, engineering and mathematics. This can include summer camps, science fairs, etc.
  • Don’t be afraid of failure: the road to a science career can include challenges and failures. Learn that every mistake is an opportunity for learning and growth.
  • Educate others: Share your passion for science with friends, family and classmates. Education can be a powerful driver for changing the perceptions of those around you and society at large.
  • Build resilience: Resilience is key in any career. Learn to overcome obstacles and face problems with determination.
  • Continuing education: remember that it is important to keep updating and receiving continuing education, especially in a field that is constantly evolving, such as science and technology.


Clinica Tambre, leading female talent

At Clinica Tambre we believe in the enormous role of women in science, especially in the field of advanced reproductive medicine. As part of our commitment to science, Clinica Tambre has consolidated a team of mostly female staff, made up of talented female doctors, biologists, embryologists, nurses and professionals in a variety of roles, demonstrating that scientific excellence knows no gender boundaries.

With this International Day of Women and Girls in Science we want to highlight the Tambre Clinic’s active commitment to equal opportunities, the empowerment of women in research and the inspiration of girls to follow their scientific passions from an early age. We also want to recognise the value that women bring to the field of advanced reproductive medicine.

Would you like to get to know our clinic and contact us? You can make your first appointment at Tambre now or receive more information on +44 (0) 20 38 688 650.

dr Ángela Llaneza Clínica Tambre