Last News

Welcome back to Tambre, we have missed you so much!

The day we have been waiting for has finally arrived. As from today all international patients can make an appointment to come to the clinic in person. Although each country has different legislation, the Spanish government has confirmed that its borders will be open from 21st June After two months of facing a situation that no one imagined we would have to go through, we are ready to start this new stage with more strength and enthusiasm than ever before. We know that nothing can stop you from wanting to be a mother. Not even weeks of lockdown. We do understand however that many of you will be nervous or anxious about restarting your treatment as well as a little excited! We also appreciate that these feelings may be more acute if you are visiting us for the first time.

To begin with, we would like to thank you for the resolve and patience you have shown as a Tambre patient during these unprecedented times.  We are aware that making changes to your treatment times and appointments was not easy but we hope that our online help and assistance proved to be useful.

How are we living our reopening?

On April 1st we informed you through our channels that we considered it appropriate to cease the centre’s in-person care, following the recommendations of the health authorities and to protect you, are our patients. After several weeks, on May 11th we decided that Tambre would reopen its doors. Taking this step was very exciting, but we were a little sad to know that international patients would take a little longer to come.

Our goal now is to offer safe assisted reproduction, because quite naturally, this is what you all demand and deserve. For this reason, a series of measures have been taken to guarantee this, in addition to those that we already established at the beginning of the year (extreme hygiene and disinfection of the facilities, installation of hydroalcoholic gel dispensers on all floors of the centre and monitoring of all guidelines regarding social distancing and protection). In our centre, we are also lucky to be located in a very quiet area of Madrid, El Viso. Also, remember that our treatments include airport pick-up, which will prevent you from having to deal with crowds.

Within the new Tambre action protocol, the following guidelines are being implemented:

  • All people entering the clinic will have their temperature taken with an infrared thermometer and will be given a questionnaire in which they will be asked if they have shown any symptoms associated with COVID-19 during the previous few days.
  • The clinic will provide all its patients with gloves and a mask, after they have made use of the hydroalcoholic gel located in our reception. Similarly, they will be asked to come without bracelets, rings and other accessories.
  • All brochures, magazines and other objects that could be a vehicle for contagion among people passing through the centre have been removed from our individual waiting rooms.
  • Tambre is running tests for coronavirus for all its staff, donors and patients who start their treatment before the 31st August. The fast tests are included whenever they start their treatment and, following the Spanish Fertility Society (SEF) recommendations’, PCR tests should be done at the end of the treatment too. Although said test is provided by the clinic, it is at the patient’s expense.

We look forward to seeing you!

In order to protect each other, we would very much appreciate the collaboration of all our patients in complying with all the above. The Tambre team will do so, as well as having reinforced its safety equipment, especially in the operating theatre, and the Management having chosen to gradually incorporate the staff.

Remember also that we are here to help you with everything you need. If you have any questions regarding your treatment, your appointment, any concerns regarding your stay in Madrid or there is anything we can do for you, please do not hesitate to call us at +44 (0) 20 38 688 650 or write an email to Patient Care (

We are looking forward to seeing you again and doing our best so that in a very short time, together, we can make your family grow.