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What is hysteroscopy used for?


Have you heard of the procedure known as hysteroscopy? This gynaecological test, still unknown to many women, is one of the simplest and safest practices currently available and offers several benefits when diagnosing or treating malformation. In today’s blog article, we explain what it is for and when to undergo this type of technique.

What is hysteroscopy and what is it used for?

Hysteroscopy is a gynaecological test used to examine the inside of the uterus using a video camera that is inserted through the cervix. This allows visualization of the cervical canal, uterine cavity, and Fallopian tube openings.

This method is used to help women who have been trying to conceive without success for over a year to identify the cause. It is also a very effective method for detecting, diagnosing, and correcting uterine disorders.

How is hysteroscopy performed?

The procedure is virtually the same as for a routine gynaecological exam. The woman lies on her back with her legs placed on the stirrups of the examination table. The specialist places a speculum to widen the opening of the vagina and cleans it along with the cervix with an antiseptic solution. Then, the video camera is inserted inside, allowing the specialist to see the images on a television monitor to study the uterus and subsequently make a diagnosis.

It is a straightforward procedure that does not require hospitalization and allows for normal activity on the same day.

Types of hysteroscopies

The duration of the test depends on the type of hysteroscopy performed. There are two types:

  • Diagnostic hysteroscopy: This test is performed to explore the inside of the uterus. It lasts no more than 15 minutes and can be performed in the same gynaecological consultation. It is used to diagnose any alterations that may appear in the endometrial cavity. This test does not require anaesthesia since it is not an invasive method. Sometimes, for the patient’s own comfort, local anaesthesia may be applied.
  • Surgical hysteroscopy: This test is performed when the patient has an alteration in the endometrium that can be corrected by surgery. It is an intervention that takes place in the operating room and requires general anaesthesia since it is longer and more painful than diagnostic hysteroscopy.

How to prepare for a hysteroscopy?

Hysteroscopy is a simple and risk-free intervention. The following instructions should be considered:

The woman should not be menstruating; this could alter the results, nor should she be pregnant, as the test could harm the foetus. It is also not recommended to apply vaginal creams in the 24 hours prior to a hysteroscopy.

Although it is a simple technique, a hysteroscopy can be uncomfortable for most women and painful in some cases, so anaesthesia is often used for the comfort of the patients. In other cases, when the woman requests it, mild sedation is also applied, after which she can resume normal activity after a couple of hours.

There are also cases where a hysteroscopy is of a short duration, and in these cases, if the patient’s condition permits it, it is not considered necessary to apply anaesthesia or, at most, only local anaesthesia.

As you can see, hysteroscopy is a technique that offers several advantages. It is a simple and very effective test that will help women who have difficulty conceiving. Furthermore, since it is a well-tolerated method with few complications, it is the perfect test for diagnosing and treating endometrial pathology.

At Tambre, we offer personalized assistance from the first moment and we will be happy to offer you the best service if you need to undergo an hysteroscopy. To request your first appointment, you can either call (+34) 91 411 61 11 or fill out the contact form with your information and a description of your case. Once we have a diagnosis, we will contact you to offer you the best solutions.