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Yet another year Tambre attends the Fertility Show in London

With great joy we look back on the Fertility Show weekend in Olympia, London, the 1st until the 3rd of November. From Madrid, we brought over our international team consisting of our CEO; Inge Kormelink, our medical specialists; Dr. Laura García and Dr. Esther Marbán, and last but not least, our patient care coordinators; Darya Kolzyk and Babs van Enoo.

Foto equipo Tambre Fertility Show

Laura García Fertility Show

The composition of our team allowed us to help the people we met during the weekend in the best way possible. While our medical experts informed the guests about the

different treatments and possibilities we offer, our patient care coordinators made sure to clarify everything related to the process of having fertility treatment abroad. Dr. Laura García presented about egg donation in Spain, where everyone listening could freely ask questions at any time.

We also had the pleasure to sit down with IVF Babble, a renowned organisation for everything surrounding the topic of fertility. There, in the Babble Lounge, Dr. Esther Marbán told about IVF treatment in Spain.

In addition to seeing many new faces and creating new contacts, we also met some of our partners. Joyce Harper, Head of Reproductive Science at UCL, attended the fertility show to spread the word on everything surrounding women’s health. To our great joy she managed to spend some time at our stand as well.

Con Joyce y Sue Fertility Show

Similarly, we were also accompanied by out UK-based partner and friend, Sue Bedford. She made sure all guests left our stand well-informed on the topic of nutrition and fertility. We value our UK patients, that’s why we count on fertility experts around the country to make your fertility journey more pleasant. Joyce and Sue are important examples for this.

The Fertility Show also gave us the opportunity to announce our newly added complementary therapies. Recently, we started offering our patients acupuncture sessions, fertility massages and reflexology as they have proven to be beneficial to the fertility journey. We presented the complementary therapies with a fine brochure which guests could pick up at our stand.

In short, we ́ve received an incredible amount of positive feedback during the weekend, as well as after. For us it’s always a joy to meet new people and potential patients. We ́re happy to welcome many new patients to our clinic in Madrid within the next few months.

We’re looking forward to the Fertility Show 2020. We will continue to work with effort so that next year we have much more news to tell and many more benefits to offer our patients.