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Non-invasive prenatal test myPrenatal

MyPrenatal is a simple and risk-free test

We accurately detect chromosomal abnormalities in the baby

Why take the myPrenatal non-invasive prenatal test?

The non-invasive prenatal test myPrenatal is a simple, quick and risk-free test for the mother and the foetus that makes it possible to detect chromosomal abnormalities in the baby in a precise way in order to adopt the most responsible measures during gestation and delivery.

Test myPrenatal sin riesgos para la madre y el feto

Un test no invasivo aún más completo.

Prenatal diagnosis with a reliability of up to 99%

During pregnancy, women undergo different tests to check that the baby on the way does not suffer from genetic alterations or congenital malformations. The standard test usually performed during the first trimester of pregnancy is conventional screening, the result of which provides only a statistical index of the risk of the foetus having one of the three most common syndromes.

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It is also possible to resort to invasive tests, such as amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling, which, although very reliable diagnostic tests, can put the pregnancy at risk.

In order to avoid risks and obtain highly reliable information, at Tambre we go a step further in prenatal screening with the myPrenatal test, an advanced, non-invasive test that analyses free foetal DNA circulating in the maternal bloodstream.

With a simple blood test of the pregnant woman, the non-invasive myPrenatal® prenatal test allows us to detect the most common trisomies in the foetus: trisomy 21 (Down’s Syndrome), trisomy 18 (Edwards’ Syndrome) and trisomy 13 (Patau’s Syndrome), as well as two sex chromosomal disorders: Monosomy 45X0 (Turner’s Syndrome) and Klinefelter’s Syndrome, with a reliability of up to 99%. In addition, by directly analysing the free foetal DNA, it reveals the sex of the baby.

The most advanced test: myPrenatal® GenomeScreen

Tambre also offers an even more complete non-invasive prenatal test. This is myPrenatal® GenomeScreen, a study that provides further information including:

The test analyses foetal DNA to detect the loss or gain of large DNA fragments, which often cause disorders such as delayed cognitive development, among others.

This option allows the analysis to be extended to the rest of the foetal chromosomes, thus including less frequent alterations in the number of chromosomes, mostly related to foetal loss or other structural anomalies.


When to perform a myPrenatal non-invasive prenatal test

A pregnant woman’s blood test should be performed from the 10th week of gestation (in both single and twin pregnancies) when its sensitivity increases to 99%. We carry out the analysis at Tambre so that our patients do not have to make unnecessary journeys. Our nursing team will then send the sample to the laboratory and notify you when the result is ready within 5 working days.

This test is valid for pregnancies achieved naturally or through IVF, both with your own or donated gametes. However, it is especially recommended for:

Women over 38 years of age.
After a high-risk result in biochemical screening or first trimester ultrasound.
History of pregnancy with chromosomal abnormalities.
Twin pregnancy.

If you have undergone assisted reproduction treatment with PGD(Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis) it will not be necessary to use this non-invasive prenatal test, as the genetically healthiest embryos have been studied and selected before the transfer.

Detection of possible chromosomal alterations

MyPrenatal, the non-invasive, fast, accurate and safe test that detects possible chromosomal alterations in the baby during gestation.

Specialists in Advanced Reproductive Medicine

We are pioneers in assisted reproduction in Spain and Europe.

45 years of medical excellence. We design tailor-made treatments.

  • You will have your own gynaecologist and nurse, except for emergencies, and the same medical team will follow your case in depth and attend you from the beginning to the end of the treatment.
  • You will have a consultant from our Specialised Tambre Care team who will support you and answer any question you may have throughout the whole process.
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