Fertility Prediagnostic Test

Time in fertility is key. We offer the Fertility Prediagnosis Test at your disposal

This is a crucial time in your journey to fertility. If you are thinking of becoming pregnant and want to know what options you have, many questions and doubts may arise that deserve clear and precise answers.

We invite you to take the first step towards the peace of mind and support you need with our Fertility Prediagnostic Test.

By sending us your answers, you let us learn more about your case. We can then offer you more precise and valuable guidance for you, based on an initial evaluation that considers various important variables for your case.

A fertility counsellor will contact you to get to know you better and guide you to the most appropriate treatment options, providing you with the information and support you deserve on this important journey.

The test is only the first step

Only in consultation with a specialist will we be able to give you a personalised, accurate diagnosis of your case. Start your path to motherhood today

    1. I want…

    2. How old are you?

    2. How old are you?

    2. How old are you?

    2. How old are you?

    3. What can you tell us about your medical history?

    3. What can you tell us about your medical history?

    3. What can you tell us about your medical history?

    4.Do you know your partners’s medical history?

    That’s it!

    Please leave us your details so that we can assist you in the best possible way.

    Gracias por completar tu Test Prediagnóstico de Fertilidad.
    Para nosotros eres única y en el equipo de Clínica Tambre tratamos la información que has compartido con nosotros con todo el rigor para poder darte una respuesta.
    Vamos a estudiar las variables indicadas de tu caso concreto y un asesor especializado en fertilidad se pondrá en contacto contigo en las próximas 24h/48h para guiarte hacia las opciones de tratamiento más adecuadas, brindándote la información y el respaldo que mereces en este paso tan importante.
    Este Test Prediagnóstico de Fertilidad es una orientación para ayudar al diagnóstico personalizado, que sólo en una consulta médica completa te podemos dar.
    Gracias por confiar en Tambre.

    The most common reasons for wanting to preserve fertility are:

    • personal(for example, the desire to postpone motherhood)

    • medical (for example, before chemotherapy, surgery or endometriosis,...)

    We suggest egg freezing by…

    We are sorry to inform you that under the terms of our ethics committee, if you are at the age of 50 or older, we will not be able to accept you as a patient.

    Thank you for completing your Fertility Prediagnostic Test.

    For us, you are unique and the team at Clinica Tambre treats the information you have shared with us with the utmost rigour in order to be able to give you an answer.

    We will study the variables indicated in your specific case and a fertility consultant will contact you within the next 24h/48h to guide you towards the most appropriate treatment options, providing you with the information and support you deserve in this important step.

    This Fertility Prediagnostic Test is an orientation to help with a personalised diagnosis, which only a complete medical consultation can give you.

    Thank you for your trust in Tambre