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With this simple pregnancy calculator you can quickly find out how many weeks pregnant you are and calculate your delivery date. Just click on the calendar and select your assisted reproduction treatment.
Calculate what day you have to take the pregnancy test on
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FAQ about Pregnancy Calculator
Beta-waiting is the period in between the time of the transfer or the artificial insemination and the moment when the HCG blood pregnancy test is performed, 10 days after the puncture. Undoubtedly, this is the most stressful phase of the whole process for our patients.
Until now, you have followed all the indications of your gynaecologist as well as the medication guidelines, feeling totally involved in the process. You have passed the barrier to have enough oocytes and embryos to be transferred. But once the transfer or insemination is done, a new stage begins. This staged is marked both by hope and the fear of failure. At this point, both the clinic and the patient have done everything they can and the only thing left to do is wait, and that is hard to bear.
The first days are usually the easiest, but as the days go by, doubts begin to arise and it is very common for you to start with self-observation: frequent visits to the bathroom, checking the sensitivity of your breasts or the existence of other symptoms that may indicate you are pregnant.
This situation is accompanied by an emotional reaction, anxiety, which has probably been with us for a long time but is now becoming more acute.
Now more than ever it is important to continue with our daily life. We advise focusing on other activities: work, gentle exercise, social life and/or other leisure activities will serve as great distractions. Adopting a positive and realistic attitude will make the waiting process more bearable.
It is often thought that a common pregnancy test is enough to detect a pregnancy, but pregnancy tests are not always able to detect a positive pregnancy; they can fail and show what is known as a false positive.
That is why it is essential to go to a specialist who will confirm your pregnancy through a blood test and a check-up. We find out whether the beta is positive or negative by analysing its presence in your blood by means of the hormone beta-HCG.
Here are some reference values of this hormone in the blood (HCG) that give us an idea of an early or more advanced pregnancy.
Pregnancy 1-2 weeks: 5-120 mIU/ml
Pregnancy 2-4 weeks: 13-1,175 mIU/ml
Pregnancy 4-6 weeks: 45-80,500 mIU/ml
Pregnancy 6-16 weeks: 2,600-175,304 mIU/ml
Pregnancy >16 weeks: 21,160-65,730 mIU/ml
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