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Scientific Publications

The success of a job well done

The Tambre Clinic, in its desire to keep researching and help increase knowledge, has published several studies in the most prestigious journals in the sector such as:

See all our publications

  • Use of Hyaluronan-binding assay (HBA) as a sperm selecting method for low DNA fragmentation spermatozoa in ovodonation procedures.
    Susana Cortés
  • Antioxidant Gene Expression of Peroxiredoxin Decreases in Granulose Cells From Oocytes of Young Women with Low Ovarian Reserve
    Rocío Núñez Calonge, et al. EMJ Reproductive Health 3.1 in August 2017.
  • Fresh vs. devitrified oocytes from the same donation
    Luna C.; Cortes S.; Guijarro A.; Olaya E.; Ortega L.; López P.; Núñez R.; Caballero P.
    Reproductive Medicine and Clinical Embryology; Julio 2017.
  • The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence.
    Sánchez-Ramón S, Comins-Boo A, Núñez Beltrán M, García Segovia Á, Gil Herrera J. Hum Reprod. 2016; 31:217-8. PMID: 26637831.
  • Impact of oxidative stress on sperm DNA fragmentation dynamics.
    Beatriz Rodríguez-Alonso, Carmen López-Fernández, Rocío Núñez-Calonge, Pedro Caballero, Jose Andrés Guijarro-Ponce, Manuel Martínez-Moya, Carolina Alonso, Beatriz Martín, Agustín García-Peiró, Jaime Gosálvez.
    Medicina Reproductiva y Embriología Clínica, Volume 3, Issue 3, December 2016, Pages 137-143.
  • Oxidative stress in follicular fluid of young women with low response compared with fertile oocyte donors.
    Rocío Nuñez-Calonge, Susana Cortés, Luis Miguel Gutiérrez González, Roman Kireev, Elena Vara, Leonor Ortega, Pedro Caballero, Lisa Rancan, Jesús Tresguerres.
    Reproductive BioMedicine Online (2016) 32, 446–456.
  • Publication of the Fertility Manual for Nurses
    Written by the nursing staff of Clinica Tambre under the direction of Pedro Caballero and Rocío Núñez.
  • MEDRE Journal, Reproductive Medicine and Clinical Embryology
    Cristina Lucía, Rocío Núñez.
    Review of the socio-demographic profile of a local sample of gamete donors in Spain: motivation for donation, donor origin, occupation.
  • Reproductive Biomedicine Online
    Rocio Nuñez, PhD; Susana Cortes, PhD; Luis Miguel Gutierrez-Gonzales, PhD; Roman Kireev, PhD; Elena Vara, MD, PhD; Leonor Ortega, PhD; Lisa Rancan, PhD; Pedro Caballero Peregrín, MD; Jesús Angel Fernández-Tresguerres, MD, PhD.
    RBMO-D-14-00662 Oxidative Stress in Follicular Fluid of young women with low response compared to fertile oocytes donors.
  • American Journal of Reproductive Immunology
    Rocío Ramos-Medina, Aurea García-Segovia, Juana Gil, Javier Carbone, Angel Aguarón de la Cruz, Ansgar Sefferth, Bárbara Alonso, Jorge Alonso, Juan A.León, Diana Alecsandru, Elena Meliá, Elena Carrillo de Albornos, Daniel Ordoñez, Isabel Santillán, Victoria Verdú, Jose María García Ruiz de Morales, Marcos López-Hoyos, Arturo López Larios, Almudena Sampalo, Pedro Caballero, Luis Ortiz Quintana, Eduardo Fernández Cruz, Silvia Sanchez-Ramón.
    Experience in IVIg Therapy for Selected Women with Recurrent Reproductive Failure and NK Cell Expansion.
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