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- Carolina Andrés embryology
- Carolina Cordero embryology
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- Dr. Abraham Zavala Gynaecologist
- Dr. Alicia Álvarez gynaecologist
- Dr. Ángela Llaneza gynaecologist
- Dr. Estefanía Moreno Luna gynaecologist
- Dr. Esther Marbán gynaecologist
- Dr. Héctor Izquierdo gynaecologist
- Dr. Jana Bechtold gynaecologist
- Dr. Laura de la Fuente gynaecologist
- Dr. Laura García de Miguel
- Dr. Marina Díaz- Gynaecologist and fertility specialist
- Dr. Natalia González urology
- Dr. Paloma Sánchez gynaecologist
- Dr. Rachele Pandolfi andrology
- Dr. Rocío Aracil – Gynaecologist and fertility specialist
- Dr. Rocío Aracil – Gynaecologist and fertility specialist
- Dr. Sergiu Padure inmunology
- Dr. Sofía Fabra gynaecologist
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- Endometriosis cause of infertility
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- Gonzalo Domínguez de Miguel laboratory
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- LP Voucher Evento Dr Bassel 7 marzo 2025
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- R.Pacientes Londres 8 de marzo 2025
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- ZyMot-ICSI: Sperm selection
Posts by category
- Category: Blog
- Category: Egg Donation
- Category: Hydrosalpinx
- Category: Last News
- Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and Fertility: how does it affect your reproductive health?
- Tambre and its Foundation’s Commitment to Science: Innovation at the Service of the Patient
- KIR-HLA immunological compatibility for complex assisted reproduction cases
- From Girls to Scientists: Science at Tambre has a woman’s name
- Cancer and Fertility
- Tambre presents an innovative study on embryo quality and its impact on implantation at the Fertility 2025 Congress
- Tambre presents at Fertility 2025 how sperm selection influences embryo development and implantation using the AI System CHLOE
- Tambre advances knowledge at Fertility 2025
- Tambre will present two scientific studies at Fertility 2025, the UK’s most important fertility conference
- Stories that inspired us in 2024
- Times of empathy: supporting couples facing reproductive challenges during the holiday season
- Tambre recognised as second best fertility clinic in Spain
- Infertility and Sterility: are they the same? Causes and treatments
- Why is Spain so attractive for U.S. fertility patients?
- What affects semen quality?
- How does diabetes impact fertility and pregnancy? Everything you need to know
- Tambre introduces an innovative culture medium that increases pregnancy rates by 40% in the most difficult cases
- How to detect and prevent Fragile X Syndrome through assisted reproduction
- Options for motherhood in your 40s and beyond
- Tambre wins the ‘Training and Employment’ Award from the Madrid Chamber of Commerce
- Tambre receives the diploma for its participation in the SEF 2022 Activity Register
- The impact of thyroid disorders on your menstrual cycle
- Why Tambre offers you a unique patient experience
- Pollutants and fertility, how does the environment influence reproduction?
- Why choose Spain for your Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)?
- Research that makes a difference: Clinica Tambre and advances in assisted reproduction
- Genetic testing How can it help assisted reproduction?
- An artificial intelligence algorithm to achieve earlier and more accurate IVF pregnancies
- Advanced Reproductive Medicine at ESHRE: Innovations and achievements
- At the Forefront of Fertility: Participating in the ESHRE Congress in Amsterdam
- Advantages of starting your assisted reproductive treatment in summer
- Tambre presents two innovative studies at the ESHRE fertility and embryology congress in Amsterdam
- Endometrial preparation in IVF: which treatment is best for you?
- How can I improve my chances of becoming dad?
- Tambre presents studies on genetics, donation management and sperm selection at the 34th SEF Congress
- Clinica Tambre in the 34th National Congress of the Spanish Fertility Society
- Spain, the safest and most efficient country for fertility treatment
- Psychological support during fertility treatment
- Artificial Intelligence reduces time to pregnancy in fertility treatment
- Endometriosis and fertility: causes, symptoms and treatments
- Valentine’s Day, celebrate it your way
- Science in Tambre has a woman’s name
- The importance of your antral follicles count
- Becoming a Mother with Low Ovarian Reserve
- New Year, a time for renewal, a time for family building
- Uterine fibroids, can they affect pregnancy?
- The Complex Nature of Male Related Conception and Infertility
- Traceability and safety control in the IVF laboratory
- Implantation Failures, Causes and Solutions
- What is the first assisted reproduction consultation like in Tambre?
- Mapping the window of implantation by understanding the menstrual cycle
- How does Tambre select the perfect egg donor for you?
- Karyotype analysis in assisted reproduction treatments
- Endometrial therapy with platelet-rich plasma (PRP), is it beneficial in my case?
- What is hysteroscopy used for?
- How to become a mother if I respond badly to ovarian stimulation?
- 5 facts you should know about endometriosis
- We pay tribute to our female professionals for International Women’s Day
- Mental health & IVF
- Do the different techniques used in an embryo biopsy influence the appearance of mosaicism and aneuploidy?
- Mosaic Embryos: What do you know?
- Tambre is proud to Show and Tell with NIAW
- Let Tambre help you become mums; Lesbian Visibility Day 2022!
- The Fertility Show is back and so are we!
- International Women’s Day 2022 and a very special surprise for the Tambre professionals
- Tambre Fertility Clinic: pioneer in conducting in-house seminal plasma biochemistry
- Why do we transfer a single embryo in the blastocyst stage?
- Fertility Care Awards 2021: Tambre wins the ‘Outstanding patient experience during the IVF treatment’ category
- World Fertility Day 2021
- Do you know the difference between Polycystic Ovaries and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)?
- What do we Know About Identical Twins?
- Are there any forbidden foods during pregnancy?
- Andrew Coutts Interview for Tambre
- HIV and fertility: all you need to know!
- All you need to know about Endometrial Hyperplasia
- Spain – Fertility destination 2021
- A tribute to our patients for International Women’s Day
- Fertility Clinics vs Covid, a great initiative by Fertility Help Hub
- Clínica Tambre Participates in ‘Fertility 2021’
- 2021, a year we will always remember
- Merck takes a tour of Clinica Tambre
- TEMPO Plus is here to stay!
- IVF AWARDS 2020: Tambre receives the distinction “Best Customer Care and Support”
- Do you know what adenomyosis is? Dr. Alicia Vázquez explains it to you!
- Ensuring Your Safety at Tambre
- What is necessary to know about fibroids before undergoing fertility treatment?
- Is it possible to know the ovarian reserve by analysing a hair sample?
- Documentary about Clínica Tambre on German television
- The new powerful Tambre research with the Complutense University of Madrid
- Welcome back to Tambre, we have missed you so much!
- “In order to fulfil your dream of having a baby, now it’s our turn to protect you.”
- Some strategies to help stay focused on keeping good nutritional habits during lockdown….
- Coronavirus and fertility treatments: we resolve the most frequent doubts
- Special article for March the 8th: We Tambre women
- The benefits of fertility massage: a conversation with Raul Garcia
- A new quality certificate for Clinica Tambre: GCR International Accreditation
- Osteopathy and fertility: a conversation with Nacho Ordaz
- Yet another year Tambre attends the Fertility Show in London
- Egg Donation Friends is one of the most reliable sources for comparing clinics
- Joyce Harper becomes the new Executive Scientific Board Advisor of Clínica Tambre
- Nutrition and fertility: A conversation with Sue Bedford
- Acupuncture and fertility: a conversation with Mª Luz Ordaz
- Reproducción Asistida ORG films a video 360º in Clínica Tambre
- Reflexology and Fertility: A conversation with Barbara Scott
- The useful role of an Immunology Unit in a Assisted Reproduction clinic
- German television is filming a documentary about fertility treatments abroad at Clínica Tambre
- Fertility Clinic Tambre, committed to the most important aspect of a fertility treatment: People.
- Anthropologist Diane Tober visits Clinica Tambre to carry out her latest research
- Egg Donation Friends visits Clínica Tambre to bring us the IVF AWARDS 2019
- Clínica Tambre receives the quality certificate from the Dutch foundation “Wishing a wonder”Clínica Tambre receives the quality certificate from the Dutch foundation “Wishing a wonder”
- Dr. Najib Dagher awarded for his speech at the “International Conference on Reproduction and Fertility”
- Clinica Tambre announces its colaboration with Fertility Road magazine
- Does PGT-A increase the chances of success in IVF treatments? Joyce Harper answers
- Clinica Tambre and its great success at the IVF CLINIC AWARDS 2019
- Clinica tambre awarded as “Pioneer Assisted Reproduction Clinic in Scientific Development” in Premios Familia
- Tambre Fertility Clinic forms part of the British health care provider My Healthcare Clinic
- How should I tell my relatives and friends that I have been diagnosed with infertility?
- Andrés and his mom Elisa
- International Women’s Day at Clínica Tambre: a look at the past to understand the present
- Interviewing Dr José Roman Santamaría (Breast Unit)
- The academic world recognises the excellent professional career of Dr Pedro Caballero (Fertility Clinic Tambre)
- “Our greatest satisfaction is that couples achieve the desired pregnancy”
- Altruistic donations that deserve to be mentioned
- How to select a suitable egg or sperm donor? The response of Joyce Harper
- Tambre Fertility Clinic will be in Manchester 23rd-24th March
- Dr Pedro Caballero (Gyneacologist): “We have to treat our patients with love”
- Darya Kozlyk: “I am passionate about women’s reproductive health research”
- Tambre Fertility Clinic will be in London 1st-2nd February
- Tambre Fertility Clinic welcomes EggDonationFriends
- How does a hysteroscopy work?
- National Dutch TV visit us to film a documentary about egg donation
- Category: Scientific Activities
- Category: Sin categoría
- Category: Tambre Clinic
- Category: Tambre News
- Category: The doctor answers
- Category: True stories
- Jennifer cross a continent to achieve her dream: from the U.S. to Tambre in Madrid
- Real story: Our Most Travelled Patient and her Latest Destination, Tambre!
- A Beautiful Journey of Hope: Victoria’s Experience at Tambre
- A real journey to parenthood: Yoko and Jon’s story
- Joanna and Alan’s long journey has led them to Tambre
- We are all different and we all deserve to be treated so: The happy ending to the story of Kirstie and Chris
- Stephanie has now completed her TEMPO treatment!
- Katherine is now part of the TEMPO family!
- María, a very hard-working mum
- Lyan & Bram have proven that it is possible to make your dream come true twice
- Sunita and her great journey!
- Ana, Darren and a little miracle named Robert Micah!
- Dalila has already taken the plunge, and you?
- Kate and Scott’s story: a great experience abroad
- Kirstie and Chris, it’s wonderful to have you in Madrid!
- The Fertility Journey continues for Kirstie & Chris
- Welcome back to Tambre, Naveen and Madhushree
- Cheryl comes back to Clínica Tambre with her baby, Luca
- Catherine and Carl’s story: from Surrey to Madrid
- Julia- our Dutch patient who did not throw in the towel, and is now happily pregnant
- From two to four: the story of Esther and Belinda
- Fabienne – from France to Fertility Clinic Tambre
- The story of Cheryl and her little Luca
- The story of Cheryl and her little Luca
- Fran & Andrea – A difficult situation has become a story with a Happy Ending
- Elena has preserved her fertility
- Miriam Sánchez (embryologist)
- Rebecca and her baby Circe
- A real story about fertility preservation
- Our second child
- Nieves has your smile
- Thank you family!
- Category: Uncategorized
- Category: Women