True stories

A real journey to parenthood: Yoko and Jon’s story

In a refreshing testimony, Yoko and Jon, a couple from the United Kingdom, share their inspiring journey towards parenthood with us. Their beautiful daughter, Sophie, is three months old now and she is living proof of their determination. Would you like to know their entire story? Here we go!


Yoko and Jon’s beginnings with fertility treatments

Yoko and Jon always knew they wanted to become parents and that desire led them to explore various fertility treatments in different clinics across the UK. However, their path did not go as they planned. “Unfortunately, none of them were successful, and that took a very big physical and mental strain on us,” Jon says. The couple decided to give themselves some time away from the emotional rollercoaster of fertility treatments. The COVID-19 pandemic also played a role in this decision, causing them to reevaluate their options.

After a much-needed break, they embarked on their journey once more, this time considering other possibilities, including international clinics. It was during this search that they found out about Tambre. Intrigued by the promising prospects, they decided to reach out and learn more about us.


Why did Yoko and Jon choose Tambre?

Even though undergoing fertility treatment in another country can be a challenge, Yoko and Jon decided to give it a chance. They had reservations and uncertainties about what to expect from the entire process. Their first video consultation with the Tambre team in November provided them with confidence.

The comprehensive information they received during this meeting laid out a clear pathway forward for them. This newfound clarity gave them the confidence to move forward with their decision. “Other positives with the Clínica Tambre in Madrid, they have a partnership clinic and pharmacy in the UK, in London, so very local to us, which made life very easy getting hold of medication and speaking to medical professionals at very short notice,” they add.


The positive experience of trusting Tambre

Their journey to Madrid, a city they had never visited before, was a significant step in their adventure. They immediately felt comfortable there, as they pointed out, the clinic’s ease of access within the capital, along with the assistance provided for transportation and accommodation. Those aspects contributed to their peace of mind.

From the very first moment, Yoko and Jon found that their questions were addressed promptly, and the multilingual environment within the clinic was great. Dr. Laura García de Miguel, Medical Director and also, their consultant at Tambre, played a key role in their experience. Her professionalism, extensive knowledge, and effective communication helped them navigate the complex world of fertility treatments with confidence. Jon emphasized that even as a non-medical person, he understood all the explanations and test results provided by the medical team.


Yoko and Jon’s dream has been fulfilled and yours can be too

The couple’s fertility process ultimately brought them the greatest moment of their lives: becoming parents to their beautiful daughter, Sophie. Jon explains that the birth of their daughter has changed their lives in ways they could not have imagined. “We could not be happier,” Yoko says.

Our patients have some heartfelt advice for other women and couples considering their own path to parenthood: do not hesitate to start your journey.

At Tambre we have been making families grow for 45 years and that is what we are willing to do for you, no matter how complex your case may be. As Jon and Yoko’s story beautifully illustrates, the road to parenthood can be challenging, but with the right support and determination, dreams can come true. “Our difficult journey has become a happy story thanks to Tambre,” Jon concludes.