True stories, Last News

Fabienne – from France to Fertility Clinic Tambre

Fabienne, desde Francia hasta Clínica Tambre

“I don’t regret my choice”

There are no barriers in our clinic and it does not matter where you come from or what treatment you would like to undergo. At Fertility Clinic Tambre we are prepared for you, so that you achieve your goal, so that you feel at home.

This is something that our patient Fabienne knows very well. She wanted to share that with all women who are in a similar situation to encourage them to search for the help they need with their beautiful and important project.

She lives in France and is single. For a while now, she has decided that she wanted to fulfill her greatest dream: to become a mother. With 39 years of age and without a partner, the medical services in her country denied her the right to assisted reproduction, so she had to find a “backup plan”.

Like many foreign doctors, her gynaecologist has been collaborating for a long time with our clinic and recommended to contact us to start an IVF treatment at Tambre. After making a first contact with one of our gynaecologists who spoke her native language, Fabienne felt understood for the first time ever and placed enough trust in us to make a final decision.

Fabienne confesses that she felt “very welcomed and well advised from the first moment on” both during her treatment, and with the help and indications we provided when facilitating her stay in Madrid. Furthermore, she values ​​the ease of being able to do the vast majority of procedures over the internet or by telephone with someone who shares the same language, and thus be able to save time travel expenses to Madrid in a situation that seems easy, but actually is not.

After the initial phase, in which she had to prepare her body with the help of her French doctor, she travelled to our clinic for the next step: her IVF treatment. A difficult time, in which she admits that “the entire Tambre team made it much more bearable”. We are aware that these treatments can be hard sometimes but, as always, our doctors, nurses and the whole staff, with their dedication and love, are committed to make the treatment as pleasant as possible for their patients.

As Fabienne says “my happiness continues to grow thanks to Clínica Tambre”, because she has fulfilled her dream and is expecting her first child in April. And not only because of that, but also because despite being pregnant and living far away from the clinic, “the team is interested in how the pregnancy is going and continues to follow-up on me until the birth of my baby”.

As it happens to the vast majority of our patients, Fabienne chose us mainly because of the warm patient care, because we are always willing to solve the slightest doubt that may arise, because “we do not treat our patients like a number and we provide a personalised treatment” and because we offer a quality follow-up caring about our patients as much as we can.

“I speak very often about this clinic and I really advise you, if you want to become parents and they do not help you to fulfill your dream in your home country, contact Clínica Tambre. I do not regret my choice.”