True stories, Last News

Joanna and Alan’s long journey has led them to Tambre

Joanna and Alan have had a long journey together, fourteen years and four IVF unsuccessful cycles have led them to what they now see as their, one, last chance of parenthood. The couple were chosen as part of the IVF Babble and Clínica Tambre Free Cycle initiative and joined the clinic in Madrid all the way from Liverpool, in England. On their visit to the clinic, we sat down with the couple who were obviously nervous, but full of hope that the egg donation treatment we suggested might just be the thing that enables them to achieve their dream of becoming parents. Here is what they had to say!


How did Joanna and Alan learn that Tambre was going to fulfil his dream?

Joanna explains how they thought a late-night telephone call from IVF Babble was a prank but could not believe it when they were told that they were being given a chance to become parents by Tambre in Madrid. Alan says, “we were over the moon and were so grateful to Sara from IVF Babble who quickly became our little IVF angel, keeping in contact and giving us information on things like acupuncture which helped a lot”.

The couple were so thankful to be given another chance through this initiative. “We have had four cycles and know we won’t have many more opportunities. This type of giveaway is so fantastic and anyone in our situation would be so grateful to be part of it,” Alan adds.


At what point did they decide they wanted to become parents?

Alan explains that the couple were trying to conceive from the moment they got married. After one year of trying, their Doctor suggested that IVF would be the most likely way Joanna would get pregnant and here they are over a decade later, still determined to become parents.

Joanna and Alan explain how they have been trying to conceive naturally and through IVF since their marriage, fourteen years ago. In that time, they have researched extensively, spoken to many others in their situation and read a lot about what IVF options might be available to them. Joanna explains, “It’s never seemed to work in the UK, and we see this as our last option. We knew it would be different from the UK, but we have been really pleased with what we have seen”.


What was your first impression of Tambre like?

The couple says that Tambre is a very nice place, very clean, absolutely friendly and with whose team they have enjoyed fantastic communication so far. We are so pleased when patients give us this kind of feedback, since that legitimises the investment we make in our physical facilities and our multilingual and multidisciplinary professionals.

Joanna explains that they came to the realisation early on in their journey that egg donation would be their best treatment option, “We have tried twice with my own eggs and twice with an egg donor but now sadly, I am in full blown menopause so have stopped producing eggs of my own”. Despite this, the couple are looking forward with hope and confidence that the Tambre team will do everything that is humanly and scientifically possible to deliver the dream.


Joanna and Alan Tambre Dr Esther Marbán Shannen Tinney.jpg


Did the team at Clinica Tambre solve all your doubts?

Joanna says, “This is our first visit and face to face consultation with Tambre and already we have been given so much information and advice; I have had scans and tests that we never had in the UK”.

The couple said they discussed the use of frozen eggs for the first time and realised that this provided them with a great opportunity to be more flexible about a future visit to the clinic and would make the process a little less stressful. As Joanna says, IVF is stressful anyway, the thought of having to travel to Spain and make sure that fresh synchronisation with the donor is done well, is much more stressful. According to the couple, that’s why using frozen eggs will make their future visit more comfortable.

Even before their first physical visit, Joanna and Alan were impressed with the relationship established between them and Tambre. Joanna says, “we were emailing each other regularly and the communication was excellent”.


What advice would they give to other couples or women who have not yet decided to undergo fertility treatment abroad?

Joanna and Alan said simply, the more options you have, the better! Alan says, their experience to date has been seamless and far different from the one they had in the UK, “It’s completely different, it’s less stressful, and the added bonus is that you both a great break, a nice holiday”. She says, “A lot of people go abroad for treatment and now we sort of know why. We feel at this moment we have saved the best (treatment) to last”


We are sure that this time everything will be different for Joanna and Alan!

For Joanna, it’s personal, “I always felt just like a number in the UK. It’s like a conveyor belt, you are in, then you are out. I understand that the NHS is under strain, but you receive a more personalised care in a clinic abroad

After the first consultation the couple underwent new tests, were introduced to the possibility of using frozen eggs and received a unique treatment plan. They said they were very optimistic, “This could be the chance. This could be the one,” they say.