True stories, Last News

Miriam Sánchez (embryologist)

“I help other people accomplish their dream of becoming parents as they helped my parents back in the day”.

She is Miriam. She is 28 years old, she was born in Lorca (Murcia) and she is an embryologist. This description may not seem like the description of a protagonist of a novel, but it hides an amazing story. Her testimony is one of those that touch you. But, especially, it makes you think about the twists of fate, about its unavoidable power that leads our lives towards the correct path, about its way of letting us know that coincidences do not exist and that everything has a reason.

And that reason is the beginning of Miriam’s story

“My mother had fertility problems when she was 25, but she ran into Pedro Caballero, Clínica Tambre’s founder, and Rocío Nuñez, the embryologist that processed the samples back then. They gave my parents the opportunity to have a child. So, without any doubt, they packed their suitcases and came to Madrid, with their hopes set on us. And, here we are! After some attempts, they received the happiest news: she was pregnant”, explains Miriam Sánchez in this video.

To be born and work in Clínica Tambre

It was very “special” to Miriam to know that she had been born thanks to assisted reproduction. It made her “feel different”. Is that what planted the seed of her inquisitiveness and passion for embryology? Miriam answers that question in the video and she reveals the “coincidence” that makes her story unique.

She defines herself as an “endangered species” because she is the consequence of a treatment that led to triplets. That is why Miriam is so interested in the technological progress of this field.  She explains that the techniques and treatments used in assisted reproduction have improved very quickly and nowadays “it is almost impossible to become pregnant with more than one embryo”. Today, Miriam is very passionate about embryology: “For me, embryology is the possibility to create life and help people who have had fertility problems like my parents to accomplish their dreams. I feel that I have to help these people because my parents received the same help back in the day”.