True stories

Our second child


I’d be lying if I said that undergoing treatment was easy…

At 32 years old, it seemed like a good time to become parents.

From our friends and families’ experiences we knew that these things take time, so we were in no rush.  What a surprise when two months later I found out I was pregnant. Up until that point I had never paid much attention to my ovulation days and in reality, we had never had to.

Three years later we decided to try for another baby and six months later we still hadn’t been successful. We started to keep track of my ovulation days but we still didn’t get the pregnancy we were hoping for. We went to the gynaecologist and he told us that we could start out with a few simple fertility tests; for me, hormonal tests that would measure my ovarian reserve and monitor my ovulation and for my partner, a semen analysis.

When we went to the gynaecologist’s office they told us that I wasn’t ovulating and that we would need to go an assisted reproduction clinic to complete the testing. We started looking for clinics in Madrid and one day we mentioned our problem to some friends and they confessed that their baby had been born thanks to the assisted reproduction treatment that they had received at Clínica Tambre.

We decided to place our trust in the team at Clínica Tambre led by Dr. Caballero Peregrín.

My partner had a semen analysis done and we were surprised to find out that he had oligoasthenoteratozoospermia.

After coming to terms with the fact that the chances of me getting pregnant by ourselves were slim, given that my partner had very few spermatozoa, which didn’t move well, and a low sperm count, we decided to place our trust in the whole team at Clínica Tambre to receive in-vitro fertilisation treatment.

I’d be lying if I said that undergoing treatment was easy.

We had to go on certain days for hormone check-ups and ultrasounds. During that time, I had to inject myself with medication every day to help make my ovaries work a bit, but the care we received from all of the staff at the clinic made everything so much easier to deal with. The doctors that helped us during our visits to the clinic and the operating theatre were always willing to answer any questions that we had and kept us informed as to how our treatment was going.

The nurses were always friendly, helping me to take my medication correctly on more than one occasion.

As for the biologists and their behind-the-scenes work, they knew how to select the best embryos so that nine months later we were able to hold our second child in our arms.

Once again Clínica Tambre, specialists in assisted reproduction in Madrid, stayed true to the words of one of their slogans “We work for your dreams.”