True stories, Last News

Stephanie has now completed her TEMPO treatment!

Stephanie Tambre

Today on Tambre’s blog we are lucky enough to share Stephanie’s testimonial, one of the many women who have decided to trust our centre and our professionals to preserve her fertility.


The reasons that led Stephanie to social freezing

Stephanie, who works as a Marketing Executive, was certain that motherhood was something that appealed to her and that she would like to achieve it one day. However, she also realised that the right time to become a mother was not right now. Stephanie was 39 at this point and was aware that, when it comes to fertility, every year that passes is of great importance. Stephanie wanted to know if she had the option of postponing her dream of having a family. So she started researching fertility clinics to find out more about egg freezing procedures.


How did Stephanie come to Tambre?

Stephanie is German, but she lives in Madrid and that was one of the reasons why it was easier if the clinic where she was going to have her egg freezing treatment was located in the Spanish capital.

When she decided she wanted to preserve her fertility, she contacted several clinics. In the end, she decided to have her treatment at Tambre because of the warm welcome and the clear and transparent information she received. Stephanie also tells us in her video testimonial that the private and cordial atmosphere of our centre was another key reason why she chose Tambre. “I had a really great experience and I’m very happy I did it,” says Stephanie.


The advantages Tambre offers with its TEMPO treatment

Increasingly well known, TEMPO is the name Clinica Tambre gave some time ago to its renewed fertility preservation treatments. TEMPO was created to consider the circumstances of each woman, which are always unique. In this way, our fertility specialists can personalise egg freezing treatments that our patients deserve.

Stephanie explains in her video that the clinic’s 40 years of experience was crucial in helping her choose Tambre, but equally, what convinced her was the flexible scheduling we offered her. She has a very busy schedule and appreciated being able to have her appointments in the early mornings and late afternoons.


An important message from Stephanie to all women

Our TEMPO ambassador says in her interview that she is very happy with her treatment as she did not have any problems with her medication or when it was time for the egg retrieval.

She also wanted to tell all women who, like her, have the dream of becoming a mother in mind, to think carefully about the alternatives available and to conclude that age does not have to be an impediment. “I just want to encourage women who are considering having a family, that they can give themselves a bit more time by opting for the TEMPO treatments,” Stephanie concludes.