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Reproducción Asistida ORG films a video 360º in Clínica Tambre


As it has been demonstrated in numerous occasions, one of the engines that moves Clínica Tambre is the ability to provide quality information on assisted reproduction. Infertility affects more and more people, according to the World Health Organisation. Therefore, Tambre will always share valuable content to all the people who need it. To carry out an action like this, it is crucial that the fertility clinic is surrounded by organisations that also believe it is necessary to break down taboos and properly inform any potential patient.

The relationship between Reproducción Asistida ORG and Fertility Clinic Tambre

Tambre has been collaborating with Reproducción Asistida ORG for a long time. This online community, which is also defined as a medical journal, aims to collect anything necessary regarding assisted reproduction clinics and treatments. Its founders started from the medical branch and the specialty in fertility. In this way, people who require help will have the facility to find proven explanations and solve their doubts with experts in the sector.

Not long ago, the team of Reproducción Asistida ORG approached Clínica Tambre to learn about its facilities and staff trying to collect everything that users might be interested in reading about the centre on their platform’s profile. In the same way, they recorded an elaborate interactive video with which you can browse all the way through Tambre from the entrance to your consultations, operating theatres and rest rooms.

This initiative makes it possible to get to know every corner of the clinic without being there physically, which is an advance to, as mentioned above, inform people in need and reaffirm the transparency for which we advocate.